Professional Azz Kicker...On call 24/7
Joined: 7 years ago
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The ladies, Sci Fi, Hard rock, Survival Horror video games such as Resident Evil, Silent Hill, Alone in the Dark etc. Rachel Stevens, Comedians Jack Dee and Dylan Moran, Chicken Vindaloo, Ravioli, Japanese technology, Gothic architecture, Futurists and Free Thinkers.

A good flame war, Silently farting in crowded elevators, Columbian coffee, Gourmet Hot Dogs (not that filth you get from street vendors in New York City), HBO tv shows, Giving you my opinion whether you want it or not, Push up bras and Vanilla Coke (cant get it in Ireland anymore :( what the heck is up with that?)

Country: Ireland
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Comments (1504)
  • waywardsmile
    5 years ago
    Damn, I was right in the middle of writing you a message and *poof* all gone! Ughhh!!! Anyway, nope, the hubby didn't get any power drills. What he'd like, is that 65" t.v. of yours, but it ain't happening anytime soon....or anytime 'not soon'. I think Alexa is a lot like our cell phones. I have NO IDEA how I got along without one for so long. You won't really remember those days so much, but I do. The best I had, was one in my car. Admittedly, I don't know all that Alexa can do, but I know it's a lot. We also don't use her to her potential. Maybe you can help me with that as you figure stuff out. That might be my best bet. I hear that you can even set her to have four contacts to where if something happens to you and you need help, you can tell her to call your contacts. She'll text and call them all at the same time saying something has happened to Mark and to get help. Yep, I have two mil's. and they're both pretty good. I certainly can't complain. Hope you sleep your turkey and alcohol off. Hey! That may be your new sleep aid. "Excuse me mates, I have to go home and down a bottle of rum and a whole turkey." G'night.

  • waywardsmile
    5 years ago
    Ahhh yes, we have Alexa too. She comes in handy for sure! And the kids have the Dots in their rooms. We use her for all kinds of stuff, but the music is probably what it's mostly used for, because she play whole playlists...or if you say, "play ABBA for me", she'll just play and play and play until you stop her.....or 80's pop, Heavy Metal, etc... ~65" is HUGE! It's like you're in your own movie theater. I believe we have a sound bar also, but it came with a Bose surround sound system that we got a couple of years ago. We've always had the stereo system, but upgraded to the whole kit and kaboodle a couple years ago. I don't watch very many movies, but the rest of the family does. ~Yes, I got a motiv fitness and sleep tracker (a ring) like a fitbit that one can wear, but it's not so bulky. And then a lot of girly lotions, oils, spritzes...stuff you wouldn't care about, but I like it. Those are my faves! ~ I don't mind my mil staying here, but my time isn't all mine. For instance, while trying to sit here throughout the night, I often stop and talk to her. She's usually doing her own thing as well...on her computer, like she is now, but of course we have to talk as well. I don't normally get this time anyway, so I'm fine with it. ~ SO, I guess you can stay in and watch your movies and have Alexa tell you jokes, and you'll be quite entertained.

  • waywardsmile
    5 years ago
    Lol....we rarely have any major ups and downs. It was a very nice Christmas, thank you. My mother in law got here yesterday though, so she'll be here through the 3rd. She stays with my sister in law in Atlanta the days leading up to Christmas and then Christmas day, and we get her afterwards. How was your Christmas? Was Santa good to you?

  • Kandace
    5 years ago
    Hello Dear Merry Christmas ! Thinking you went to your parents for a few days like last year ? Hoping the holiday is wonderful for you and your family. Things have been pretty wild for me the past 2-3 weeks - my job took off well and i have been working hard and making some surprisingly big bucks. Then i had to party hard to compensate for the work, right ? haha Hanging out with friends, going out to dinners a lot, and even a new tattoo. Yep, i got a yin/yang symbol on Friday during the Winter Solstice. Now i seriously feel like winding down and meditating about new directions for the New Year. I miss you and think of you often and sometimes felt guilty for not coming on here to hang with you and chat. Oh well, back to work tomorrow, then hoping you will be back here by the weekend ? Looking forward to hearing what's new with you and how the holidays have been for you. And of course discussing some mind boggling topics. ~ HUGS xoxo

  • AustraliaAwake
    5 years ago
    fanks marc, i wiss u a mery krissmuss aswel :)

  • michael_89
    5 years ago
    Howdy Mark,naah I don`t think they`ll be "restrictions" post-brexit :) I for one,unlike other "Englishmen" on this site wanted and voted for brexit.I also like Trump believe it or not.When you consider what a rancid piece of slimy filth Killary clinton is.As for the left in Britain,they have earned my deepest hatred and loathing! And no,not a tory supporter either.They are a bunch of treacherous vermin...Anyway lol my rant over,seasons greetings to you and yours mate

  • SpeakLife
    5 years ago
    Hi Mark, thank you for stopping by and for the Christmas wishes! I wish you all the best this holiday and beyond. About Timeless...The series finale was two hours. Everything that happened had to be squeezed in that short time period because NBC cancelled the show a second time due to low views. However the fans of the show are extremely passionate and me never being a fan of TV was hooked myself. It was an extreme fan outcry that brought the show back for a second season and then the two hour series finale last week. It ended too abruptly. I need to shut up about it. Take care Mark

  • waywardsmile
    5 years ago
    No need to see the movie now. Joe just gave me an in depth review, but I zoned out a little. Must be a guy thing. ~ Lol, okay, I DO get the philosopher joke, but I probably wouldn't have, had I not heard the other one first (and had it explained to me). Thank you for the Christmas wishes. I wish the same for you and yours. :))

  • AustraliaAwake
    5 years ago
    halo marc, tinigowsip is ben veri krool too me theas mournin, shes ben ritin veri fritnin comints on me chanel wich hab gibin me orfool nitemairs an maid me kri :( shes a veri powafool krool gerl an thays noo wey i cann hamdul her

  • SweetDeadlyKiss
    5 years ago

  • MerryChristmas
    5 years ago
    im still getting the message mark

  • MerryChristmas
    5 years ago
    alot of people are getting that message