Professional Azz Kicker...On call 24/7
Joined: 7 years ago
Subscribers: 55
Channel Views: 22,657
Video Views: 14,822
The ladies, Sci Fi, Hard rock, Survival Horror video games such as Resident Evil, Silent Hill, Alone in the Dark etc. Rachel Stevens, Comedians Jack Dee and Dylan Moran, Chicken Vindaloo, Ravioli, Japanese technology, Gothic architecture, Futurists and Free Thinkers.

A good flame war, Silently farting in crowded elevators, Columbian coffee, Gourmet Hot Dogs (not that filth you get from street vendors in New York City), HBO tv shows, Giving you my opinion whether you want it or not, Push up bras and Vanilla Coke (cant get it in Ireland anymore :( what the heck is up with that?)

Country: Ireland
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Comments (1502)
  • samantha0
    21 days ago

  • samantha0
    2 months ago

  • samantha0
    2 months ago
    2 years ago. where are you friend..

  • Davmond
    2 years ago
    Since your my bitch on cs1, put your lips on my ass XD

  • TheDevilYouSay
    2 years ago
    What's a matter old sport, you can't talk to you female equivalent of the devil? damn david's got you whipped.

  • LoveOfEarth
    2 years ago
    Hi Mark, been a while since I've come to MetaJolt, sending best wishes to my friend in Ireland ☺

  • NightFright
    2 years ago
    Hello Mark after reading what Johnny the bitch wrote I can sure see why he is so hateful and sick in his head lol I never did anything like that I have a clean record lmao.

  • NightFright
    2 years ago
    Hello Mark yes I am a snitch on that bitch channel Johnny he makes me laugh when his channel goes poof and what's bad is he can't even grow a garden lmao 😂

  • woojoke
    2 years ago
    Happy Saint Patrick's Day to the Corr sisters, lisa Hannigan, U2 and you too, Mark;) I shall have a shot of Jameson and chase it with a cold Guinness in your honor!

  • Brody
    2 years ago
    lol Alex is doing fine Mark. Last time I checked in on him. Thanks for asking. Hope all is well with you too? Is Ireland getting back to normal like here , fingers crossed? Seems like Covid seems to have died down, and here to stay , sure, but flu-like.

  • CrashExile
    2 years ago
    So is Scenesfeed dead now or what? I can't google search it at all.

  • michael_89
    2 years ago
    Greetings Mark, your suspicions are correct! :) She takes up swathes of my time now along with other interests. I shall check out your latest vid and give you my honest opinion. Cheers for the link.