waywardsmile's Channel
Joined: 6 years ago
Subscribers: 30
Channel Views: 29,619
Video Views: 10,585
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Country: United States
Comments (1261)
  • Kandace
    6 years ago
    Well hello Genny, great to see you here ! Pls let me know if you need any help figuring out things on this site and welcome here.

  • MrArcadeRetroGamer64
    Hey welcome to MetaJolt. I hope you had a nice and a wonderful Thanksgiving yesterday. :)

  • Heavens_Hitman
    6 years ago
    Tall blonde guy in the black yep. That's him. Oh don't worry about that. I'm here to chat, an occasionally drop in for a break between my studies. In fact, that's what I am doing now. Well, I did five years of animation, got the degree for that. So now I'm kind of expanding into concept art I guess. Right now I'm in the first year, an introductory year which just carries a certificate at the end. I started it in September, and it wraps up in March. After that there is another year if one wishes to aim for the diploma. I'd love to do it, but it's very expensive. I'll have to play it by ear, just see how it goes. Ultimately, I'm hoping that a background in both animation and concept art will get me to where I want to go. I'm not entirely certain where that is it yet. But ideally I would love to work in television or films, designing the look of sc-fi or fantasy films. That's essentially what a concept artist does. Every time you see an alien, spacecraft, or other worldy location, someone had to design it all. The set, prosthetic makeup, models and scenery. The concept artist is given the script and asked to design such things from scratch, to fit with the script. I'm loving it, a lot of it involves the use of Photoshop and 3D modelling software. Alternatively, I could end up doing illustrations for books or album covers like the ones shown in my featured video, or even working in the car industry, designing cars (least preferred) that sort of thing. I'll see where it takes me.

  • Brody
    6 years ago
    Genny! OMG I just saw, you of all ppl were the only one I didn't subscribe to. And with a waywardsmile like that? Lol at my featured vid right. I can hit any note btw. I can sing along with Lemmy AND Axl Rose. Nathan was nice enough to tell me how to navigate. I need to look into it when I have more time. Happy weekend Smile! Any turkey left, I mean side dish.

  • Pisces
    6 years ago
    Hey Genny! It was fine really for the most part until right before I left. We all watched the Bears and Lions game and I almost fell to sleep after eating. I was there for a couple hours. I was in the living room with my uncle and some other members of my family had a disagreement. So much so that one left in tears. I was not expecting that. Happy Thanksgiving lol. You never know what you might walk into. Sometimes it can be dysfunctional. Hate to see that but a lot of stress was evident. So I left went home and called my mom and gave her an ear full about what happened at my uncles house. After that I was pretty much dead and slept for a few hours. We had both ham and turkey. Okay so I got your message and I will respond soon. Oh and I sent you a message yesterday to your email. I was on US looking around earlier and it really sucks now. It is so sad! Just relaxing today and playing a little bit of guitar. I am interested in writing a song. We will see. Enjoy your day!

  • michael_89
    6 years ago
    Excuse me girl! I do work my arse off! No one works harder than me at doing little...And my feature is wonderful! I never knew I liked that band until I saw them on my channel...Home now and happy. XXXXXXX

  • hubertgunpowder
    6 years ago
    Hello dear Genny. I wish you a beautiful weekend. Love and hugs ~ Hubert ♥

  • michael_89
    6 years ago
    Good morning my lady G, I hope you ate a bucket of dressing :) Off to work soon,I`ll think of you fast asleep as I`m both freezing and working my arse off :) Have a great day,remember I`m fabulous darling (see my profile thingy) and that I rock! xxx

  • Pisces
    6 years ago
    Hey Genny hope you have a great Thanksgiving! Mine was crazy! Glad it is over! Let let me know what is going on. HUGS

  • Heavens_Hitman
    6 years ago
    I don't doubt for one second that he lurks over here, reads what we say about him. His fragile ego compels him to do so. He's desperate for our approval. When he first started US, he had a pic of himself posing in his avatar, hair all gelled back, and hidden behind sunglasses. When I saw that pic I knew straight away that he is a douche bag. I'm not surprised you didn't see him in the "TMZ" vid, he's about halfway though it, way in the background. You can barely see him, but he uploaded it anyway lol He's obviously very sensitive about his image, and yes he closes up the comments on his page, when he knows that half the users on his site are pissed with him. What a coward on top of everything else.

  • Heavens_Hitman
    6 years ago
    The only way I know of, is to look at the home page. There are different categories, such as "Most Popular" and "Recently Uploaded". It might not show you everything, but then again what site would? I have a question too. How did you reply directly to my comment under your vid? I couldn't reply directly to yours. Okay, gotta eat & crash. Have a good night.

  • Heavens_Hitman
    6 years ago
    Well, as I was telling Michael, I'm off to get fed then bed. I hope you're enjoying your thanksgiving. I had always thought it was on the 24th for some reason. Have a great weekend too. Catch up with you soon. Meant to say, nice pic. You're purrty.