waywardsmile's Channel
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Comments (1265)
  • Heavens_Hitman
    6 years ago
    I endeavor to be forthright, straight up, sincere and honest with my friends. Rest assured that I will always tell you what I think of me.

  • Heavens_Hitman
    6 years ago
    I don't like to brag about my intelligence, but I'm convinced that everyone around me is stupid because they say they can count things on only one hand. I've never once spoken out of turn, because I've spoken many times out of turn. Play by my rules and I promise to play along with yours. I would deserve a score of ten out of ten, if numbers didn't go any higher. I am so cool that I will be defrosted in a thousand years. I'm still waiting for the U.S to apply to me for citizenship. I'm happy to be one, but how long do I have to wait? Some believe in a higher power, and some are blessed with self belief. Fortunately for me, they are one in the same. I would like to travel the world, but the palm of my hand is attached to my wrist. I know of no one....because everyone knows of me. I've been told that I am special, especially when people talk to me. I know nothing that isn't worth knowing, until I know it. I'm opinionated but always right. I chew my food anti clockwise, just to be different. I have often been told that I am different, but never to any anyone worth mentioning. If I could only see myself, I would recognize myself instantly. There should be two of me, and if there were...I would still be the original and best. I know that I'd be on top of my game....if I could get someone to play. Some people don't like me, until they get to know the real me. Then there's nobody around not to like me. My epitaph will read "I'm sorry for your loss".

  • Heavens_Hitman
    6 years ago
    I mustn't have seen it at the time, which is unusual for me because I LOVE attention. I'm the type to sit in front of a mirror lined with light bulbs, my chin resting in the palms of my hands...asking myself, "Do they really love me?" In fact I have a big gold star emblazoned on my bathroom door. When Sherrie saw it, she said that I deserved one.......for trying so hard. After sex, I told her that I am the best I've ever had. I'm proud to admit that I'm a great guy! One time a coworker looked me square in the eye and said "cunt", to which I replied "thanks, but I'm all stocked up". Was nice of him to offer though. If anyone truly knew how fantastic I am, I think they'd be intimidated. So I make a conscious effort to play it down. It's important that I don't try too hard, but just let the lord work through me...I'm his favourite, he's told me so many times. I don't like it when people use my name in vain. That Jesus fella may have beaten me to the punch by about 2,000 years, but nobody uses the original iPhone no more. It's important to be comfortable in your own skin, but a blessing to let me be comfortable in yours. My credit card ATM pin number, is 51311, which is easy to remember as there were four Beatles, twelve apostles and ten commandments....before I came along. Your friendship is as fortunate, as mine is no doubt appreciated.

  • Kandace
    6 years ago
    Hey Genny, wazzup this weekend ? Are you getting up in the holiday shopping and decorations ? I laid kind of low this week - had four wisdom teeth surgically removed and now the stitches are loose and tickling my tongue all the time, haha. They'll be removed on Tues. So i mainly made it to work all week then crashed when i got home. That's interesting about your avatar - the legs definitely show but the top is confusing. Hey, this might be a good picture for psychologists to use: you know how different people see different things in an image according to their personality ? I saw a fudgesicle and yep, i'm always ready to eat. Maybe guys are more apt to see a woman ?

  • woojoke
    6 years ago
    SHOES!!??!! No wonder the bottoms of my socks are always wet and dirty;) I have a couple of light jackets too, but they need to be beat with a stick to rid them of layers of dust and hanger rust and closet musk! All the rain here is making me insane/r and the sun might not again appear until sometime next year;( According to the maps your weather should be much better there...hope so:) Do you all celebrate Christmas with a real or fake tree and has it been erected yet? Mine is still in a box in the garage and is probably been inhabited with brown recluse SPIDERS!!

  • Dilhorne
    6 years ago
    Oh, woke up , have you ? 2 o'clock in the afternoon and you call me a dickhead, thanks Genny, I tried to keep the language clean in both languages but I seem to be between one crazy woman from Holland and another one from where you from ? sunshine state or the place where you left your heart---- remember SF ?

  • Dilhorne
    6 years ago
    Charming !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • michael_89
    6 years ago
    You are gracious as ever G,I know "I" did it,but you were the driving force.Without you there to help,guide and advise me I`d have done nothing! Please send the Dr Seuss quote :)...I may choose to go for my PHD,if so then it will be dedicated to you! Thank you for the archery congrats.Today is indeed my day :) I wonder what other wonders shall come my way today? Seriously thank you for being my best friend G.I know I`m not the best of friends to you, (so many screw ups) but you so are to me! I hope you have a great breaky and a great rest of your Sunday..xxx

  • michael_89
    6 years ago
    Lol...That would have been a first,upsetting you without actually honestly doing nothing :) you mean XXXXXXXX

  • michael_89
    6 years ago
    Err ok? Not the reply I was expecting?? What did I do?

  • Tina
    6 years ago
    Awe your way to sweet. Thanks girl you're to kind. Took alot to finally put my real pic up. Yes Im glad Dee talked me into coming here. Hope you are having a wonderful Sunday.

  • grizzlyten
    6 years ago
    Hi Genny. How are you doing? I've been out of town all week but came back last night. Been busy today. WhiIe was staying in the hotel I tried to access this site on my tablet but it looked crazy - had to scroll down pages of people's subs and videos and things before I could get to the comments. Then I tried to log in but couldn't. Guess the site might not be set up too well for mobile devices yet. Well, hope you're having a nice weekend my friend!