There can be only one.....
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Someone asked me, "if I was stuck on a desert island, what book would I bring?" I said "How to build a boat"
I remember when I was popular, those were the days...........Actually that`s a lie, I was never popular :)
Whatever you do, always give 100% unless it`s donating blood.
'If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went.' --Wil Rogers
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Comments (1663)
  • Phoenix_Risin
    3 years ago
    No need to ever apologize, my friend ~~~ I could easily say the same and say that I am sorry that I did not reach out a hand in friendship sooner, but I feel that I will be forever glad that we did finally meet up. Liked your answer on the money and fame question. Good choice and reasoning behind said choice. I wonder too ... how many rich people just kind of fly under the radar and the $$$ would afford them the ability to remain anonymous. And that's a good question about Emilia. She's definitely a hottie, with the blonde hair, but looking at her natural hair colour would be far more preferable. You often wonder how these people are in Real Life, but she seems to exude this unbridled ebullient personality and that's attractive too. They say it's plausible that we all have a doppeganger bouncing around the world somewhere ~~~ perhaps, if we don't meet her personally ... we'll bump into the aforementioned and have ourselves a Good Life. ;) I hope this finds you well, Michael, and set to enjoy a fantastic end to March ~~~ wishing you and yours an even finer start to April. Continue to stay SAFE and enjoy the afternoon that finds you.

  • mariapoppinas
    3 years ago
    "NICE?" awch, u're just pulling my hair, tsk!...Image

  • mariapoppinas
    3 years ago

  • mariapoppinas
    3 years ago

  • woojoke
    3 years ago
    When running around naked the forest is best cause running naked down city streets brings an unwanted arrest;) The moon looked full last night so i gave it a two-minute-long HOWWWLLL !!

  • woojoke
    3 years ago
    lord Michael! Ingrained? do you work in a silo;) Your weather is a drone of mine and except for the cold it's a sign of spring and helping things grow. Our clocks moved up two weeks ago so our spring sprang then;) Stay safe and enjoy the flix on the net!

  • Brody
    3 years ago
    Hey Michael, I saw a while back what Jane Wiedlin is up to nowadays. The guitar player from the Go Go's, I remember us both liking her "rush hour" very much. Anyway she is a legally ordained Minister now. And still super cute btw

  • Heavens_Hitman
    3 years ago
    Hi Michael, how are you? Sorry I haven't swung by your page more often, but I find it very difficult to navigate this site. Sometimes it's hard to even sign in here. So I have been giving up trying to get back to people. Anyway, how are you? I'm sure that, like me...and everyone else, you are thoroughly pissed off with lock down. I see that Games Workshop have changed the name of their stores to just "Warhammer". I wonder is it under new management, and if so...does it have something to do with Covid. Have a great weekend.

  • Enyarwen2021
    3 years ago
    I chose March as a month of Warriors ... March is tough between two seasons, its wind is sharp and its cold can bite you even on a sunny day ... We come out of winter , so we have to be warriors, strong and determined ... Full Moon is already present , in many ways .... Have all a good week end dear friends ♥ J'ai choisi Mars en tant que mois des Guerriers ... Mars est dur , entre deux saisons, son vent est piquant, et sa froidure peut vous mordre même en un jour ensoleillé ... Nous sortons de l'Hiver, aussi nous devons être des combattants, forts et déterminés ... La Pleine Lune est déjà présente, de bien des façons ... Passez tous un bon week end chers amis ♥ Music Celtic Medley Full Moon March 2021 Night Of Warriors )O(

  • Phoenix_Risin
    3 years ago
    That's a very Good Question, Michael, and one worthy of a thoughtful answer. I suppose the easiest choice would be to just be rich and without constraint (that good health remained and spending the $$$ had no adverse cost to being content). If I had to be famous, it would have to be acting. I have no apparent musical talent nor could I invent something (such as an Elon Musk might do). Though, the acting would have to be on the big screen like Han Solo's alter ego Harrison Ford. Sad to say, but that medium may forever be changed by Covid's influence and the protocols that follow. As for a leading lady; we could pick a fellow countryman of yours and go with Emilia Clarke ... if she would do me the honor. Speaking of honor and honorable actions; I always thought what David Bowie gave the world and thru his final album BLACKSTAR was simply GRACIOUS. I did not follow his music like some, but - in facing death straight on - I thought what he gave the world was an incredible gift of his love. I felt that about Prince too ~~~ he had the fame and fortune, but (due to it) lacked a normalcy to his life that escapes many of the aforementioned RICH AND FAMOUS. That being said; no need to ever worry about getting back to friends. You do it, when you can. But continue to do us all the kind favor of enjoying whatever comes your way and staying ever SAFE. Enjoy what remains to your Wednesday Night and a fine 2moro. Cool question, by the way ~~~ it makes one pause and think. :)

  • Brody
    3 years ago
    Hey Michael. That's great that you found her E-mail. Sadly she probably doesn't use it no more. With lost friends, I usually try and find it again. But never get a reply, usually it is an old E-mail. And they weren't clever enough to send the new one. Or good riddance , in my case lol. Specially with YT friends. I lost most, if not all. But in the end, the one needed is still with me, so it all worked out. ~~We stay in lock down another Month , it seems to have no end. Numbers rising. They talked about England and that is goes much better there. 1/3 vaccinated. We aren't even close to that. I am in need of a soccer match, a good concert, a big ass screen movie, an indoor play area, name it. Thankfully I have my family. So I stay in our cave, smiling. ~~Hope all is well Michael.

  • woojoke
    3 years ago
    Lord Michael! Oops(brain fart) that's the ship who's cap'n and crew got sucked up in that extension tube and into that other ship hovering above and whisked away for experimental purposes! Two of the crew were later returned to earth with those others near the end of that close encounters of the 3rd kind flick.......maybe... Just 19 more days of leisure huh? It's been so long are you gonna remember how to do what you do when you be back at work? Weather here SUCKS: cloudy and grey with storms on the way and my tan turns bland again;( Stay well my lord!