There can be only one.....
Joined: 6 years ago
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Someone asked me, "if I was stuck on a desert island, what book would I bring?" I said "How to build a boat"
I remember when I was popular, those were the days...........Actually that`s a lie, I was never popular :)
Whatever you do, always give 100% unless it`s donating blood.
'If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went.' --Wil Rogers
Country: United Kingdom
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Comments (1663)
  • Enyarwen2021
    3 years ago
    Legends about Lighthouses and ocean are strange and a bit scary ... living alone in such a place creates odd feelings, or maybe there are really ghosts from a long past ..... :) Nice day dear friends ♥ Les légendes sur les Phares et l'océan sont étranges et un peu effrayantes ... vivre seul dans un tel lieu crée des sensations bizarrzes, ou peut être y a t il de vrais frantômes venant d'un passé lointain ... :) Belle journée chers amis ♥ Music : Day of Chaos by Kevin MacLeod Lighthouse Ghosts ♥

  • WhiteRabbit
    3 years ago
    Hey HS! Its been awhile, I do hope everything is going marvy for ya Not much new here, go to work come home, blah ,blah ,blah lol I'm not a conspiracy theorist, but I know something ain't right. This shit show has been gone on long enough , at least its what I believe On a happier note, spring has actually arrived early here. I cant remember the last time we've had hardly any snow in March. So to keep from being totally bored ,I have Netflix, Prime Video, Brit Box and Acorn TV. Lots to keep me being a couch potato eh lol I've veen watching this brilliant series from Wales called Keeping Faith . The 3rd and final series starts soon. The song on my channel is from the show. Amy Wadge is absolutely amazing as both a singer and song writer. It may not be your cuppa tea , but check it out :) Take care Michael , stay safe while you're out and about .xx

  • woojoke
    3 years ago
    Due Michael! I'm good thanks, but who be "Marie Celeste"? I don't mind being a lone wolf cause there's less static when i'm howlin at the moon! What's you watching on Netflix now? are "The Boys" still causing mischief? I'm mostly watching sports: curling, fishing for fish, croquet, and cornhole;) Yep, GOT's ending was a BUMMER!! Keep a soft cushion under your ass while watching the tube!

  • Phoenix_Risin
    3 years ago
    Good afternoon, Michael, and Happy 1st Sunday of Spring wished your way. I don't mind sharing certain details of my life with friends ~~~ I figure they're going to find out anyway and if we were ever to meet in life. Yeah, that 27 Club is a very eerie experience that some of those musicians are subject to. It kind of makes you think about that Robert Johnson CROSSROADS' story and if it were ever to be true. I'll make you famous, but only up to this date. I would have liked to meet Prince. I have a fond and somewhat unrelated memory attached to him. I was in Boston's Copley Square and to ring in a New Year (a few years back) and one of the bands they had playing did their take on PURPLE RAIN ~~~ complete with the proper purple hue colored lighting ~~~ and a wind driven rain falling. God's honest truth! :) I'm sure he was there too. So I hope this finds you well and enjoying a bright start to the first week of SPRING. Continue to stay SAFE on your end of things and enjoy the cool things that now come your way.

  • woojoke
    3 years ago
    Lord Michael! My Friday was splendid, thank you! Hope you have a spectacular Saturday!

  • woojoke
    3 years ago
    A good early afternoon to you lord Michael! I've been over there to look around and found no warmth so i have NO desire to join such a more than chilly place though i did have a longtime friend at it's previous name and her name was Chilly from Austin, Texas, but she had already been gone anyway!?! Take care and enjoy Netflix:)

  • Brody
    3 years ago
    Hey Michael. Too bad you lost contact with Noa. I see lots of friends on YT but a channel not being used, is like a sunken ship. I found a couple ,cause I knew their full name. They bound to appear then, somewhere on the net. Have a ...oh wait G-wise---> ~~ Have a good weekend Michael. Our forecast predict sun and such. Hope the same for you!

  • Phoenix_Risin
    3 years ago
    Truth and I don't mind telling you ~~~ I can't afford to keep the house going and it needs to be sold, but by selling it (and the process has been in play for awhile) ... I'll be debt free. New environment and its reality is a scary thought, but I trust God and THE FATES to find me to the next place I need to be. I hear you on the lives of musicians from that era ~~~ isn't there an ill-fated 27 CLUB? yeah, the musicians today are but money making controlled entities that the record companies milk for their $$$. Sad, though. I know Michael Jackson would always lament that they would be the ruination of him. The thing is and Prince was adamant about it ~~~ having autonomy as it relates to one's record catalogue and musical creations. Friday soon finds you, my friend; I hope it finds you well. Enjoy a nice weekend and continue to stay ever SAFE.

  • woojoke
    3 years ago
    Hi Lord Michael! Well after being on upload for five or so years and never uploading a thing and then two years here and never uploading anything on my own, it's now time to/for ketchup....oops i meant catch up;) Time seems to move Waaay to fast or creeep way too slow depending on where you be in life's journey. Typing Journey reminded me that Genny's favorite singer of all time is Steve Perry! Hope you're having a pleasent afternoon my lord:)

  • woojoke
    3 years ago
    Lord Michael! No apology is needed or expected and the verb often should be replaced with occasionally as we all say/type things at times that causes remorse.....oops not ALL at all, about half are females and prick-less;) Oh, by the way Happy St. Patrick's Day!

  • Phoenix_Risin
    3 years ago
    The answer to your question would be NO. I don't think they're any more susceptible to being unhappy. In fact, your premise makes for the perfect argument. What would a person experiencing homelessness or food insecurity say to the prospect of trading places with the RICH AND FAMOUS? I think both of us would say that they'd jump at the chance of not having to worry about what not having money can do to a person's life. But, yeah, I think I'd take a little taste of the rarefied life for awhile. That being said; I have seen people with money that are totally at odds with enjoying themselves. But I think that frame of mind may come with other issues they cannot control. Still a mask mandate here and continued vaccine rollout, but you can tell that people are still skittish to resume the normalcy of Daily Life. Myself? At some point, I'll need to find a new lair ... but nothing to do with the Covid. And, once better weather returns, hopefully some of the other things that are lacking will fall into place too. Be well, my friend, and enjoy your Saint Patrick's Day afternoon.

  • Enyarwen2021
    3 years ago
    Happy Patrick's Day ♣ Ireland is in the spotlight today, even we can't celebrate as usual, we salute Irish friends of all countries *** Love ♥ ♣ ♥ Joyeuse fête de la St Patrick ♣ L'Irlande est à l'honneur aujourd'hui, même si nous ne pouvons célébrer comme à l'habitude, nous saluons les amis Irlandais de tousles pays *** Love ♥♣♥