There can be only one.....
Joined: 6 years ago
Subscribers: 51
Channel Views: 19,820
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Someone asked me, "if I was stuck on a desert island, what book would I bring?" I said "How to build a boat"
I remember when I was popular, those were the days...........Actually that`s a lie, I was never popular :)
Whatever you do, always give 100% unless it`s donating blood.
'If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went.' --Wil Rogers
Country: United Kingdom
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Comments (1662)
  • michael_89
    3 years ago

  • Enyarwen2021
    3 years ago
    Wonderful Opera by Puccini, the story of Princess Turandot is unique . She was incredibly beautiful, but cruel ... and rejected many suitors, till a Prince, unknown, reached her heart and changed her .... Love makes miracles ... Nessun Dorma is my fav part ... (let no one sleep) ... ♥ Merveilleux Opéra de Puccini, l'histoire de la Princesse Turandot est unique. Elle était incroyablement belle, mais cruelle .... et rejeta de nombreux prétendants, juquà ce qu'un Prince, inconu, atteigne son coeur et la transfome ... L' Amour fait des miracles ... Nessun Dorma (nul ne doit dormir) , est ma partie préférée ... ♥ Puccini . Andrea Boccelli ... Nessun Dorma ♥♥

  • woojoke
    3 years ago
    She be lovely! Thank you for beautifying my channel, lord Michael:)

  • Phoenix_Risin
    3 years ago
    Yes, Michael, clicking with someone and being on the same page (figuratively, so to speak) is a rarity. Cool featured, by the way, and with a timely message pertaining to "one of these days". She hasn't been active; Melissa, that is. But I promise to dump down a PM at ChillSpot and say Hello to her for you. I doubt she'd find herself to ScenesFeed ~~~ jokingly or not, Jacob had hacked her account for some reason and I am sure she'd be leery of the site for said reason. Not sure about Mel finding herself a beau, but (when someone disappears off our radar) it's our inclination to hope the best for them and in how we may perceive where they are now, That being said; I hope this finds you past the furlough and back amid colleagues ~~~ staying ever SAFE and enjoying yourself a Fine Tuesday. I hope you and your family enjoyed a very nice holiday (Bank Holiday included).

  • woojoke
    3 years ago
    Lord Michael! you would be smiling were you here today. 77 degrees(25C), gentle breeze, azure skies , birds building nests in trees, and my tan's looking grand! When in the museum best ye stay away from all walled artwork when slicin and dicin with all that swordery;) Stay safe!

  • mariapoppinas
    3 years ago
    brand is: Hb? no, HLF=Ho Lee Fuk (made in China).....Image

  • mariapoppinas
    3 years ago
    ...he got me with a pencil...Image

  • mariapoppinas
    3 years ago
    John Wick...yeah babehhhh!!!!...Image

  • mariapoppinas
    3 years ago
    MINE!!!! type of action man...Image

  • mariapoppinas
    3 years ago
    easter mon mission: turning a knight templar's page into.. Image... sailorPOPanim00n

  • mariapoppinas
    3 years ago
    YAHH!! slow and i'm posting gifs & they zombie!....Image

  • mariapoppinas
    3 years ago
    brains...i mean, grains4din2! yikes!!!! THEY hungry?....Image