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Nefertiti-two big boys
Nefertiti-two big boys
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4 years ago
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Comments (129)
  • Phoenix_Risin
    3 years ago
    Good morning to you, Anton, and a quick Hello at that. Yeah, it will be nice to see Pres. Trump fade into the sunset. His xenophobia and incendiary rhetoric has done serious damage to many of our international relationships. Pulling out of that Iran deal doesn't help the Middle East and then there was the Paris Accord. With the environment, the world is playing catch up. But, unfortunately, until this Covid crisis is brought under control ~~~ any other important issue (and there are many) will have to be put on the back burner. My only beef with China would be twofold; the overall treatment of its people and not being cooperative (information wise) with the intl. community ~~~ e.g., being more forthright and in telling the world about what was happening in Wuhan. You take it easy, on your end of things, and enjoy a fine Wednesday. And, my friend, continue to stay SAFE.

  • Katniss
    3 years ago
    I hate having to wear a mask I cannot breath properly with it on...I never really take any kind of vitamin tablets but if alcohol works I'll be fine :) take care Anton xxK.

  • grizzlyten
    3 years ago
    You know a lot of things, Anton. You seem very bright and I can tell you have a great deal of curiosity about the world. It's a nice quality. I was just on Youtube watching a video from an MD about the South African variant of the coronavirus. He says it's really bad - worse than the one we have now, and worse than the English variant. I had to turn the video off - couldn't watch it. Too depressing.

  • grizzlyten
    3 years ago
    I hope some of the others from US will come here. There are quite a few people that I had no contact with outside of that site :(

  • grizzlyten
    3 years ago
    I was reading not long ago about virus mutations, and how that can sometimes be a good thing. When you have a virus like ebola, which has a very high fatality rate, it will often mutate to become a milder, less lethal version of itself. That's because a virus that kills too many of the host species puts its very existence at risk if it doesn't change. One researcher thinks it's possible that the coronavirus may mutate, become much milder, and circulate every winter like the common cold. Well we'll see, right? All I know is that like everyone, I'm so tired of all this and just wish we could soon get back to some semblance of normality.

  • Heavens_Hitman
    3 years ago
    Muslims celebrating Christmas? Now I've heard it all! What's next, Scientologists welcoming critical feedback?

  • Katniss
    3 years ago
    its getting worse here after ppl visiting each other and partying over the holidays anyway all we can do is try stay one step ahead of it....have a nice day Anton:)

  • grizzlyten
    3 years ago
    Ohhh but ebola is still around Anton - waiting, lurking in the jungles of Africa. It makes an appearance every now and again in some village or region, but then it retreats back into the jungle until next time. We're very lucky it never turned into a pandemic though. Can you imagine? That thing is horrific!

  • Katniss
    3 years ago
    Hi Anton good to see you again my Friend, I hope you had a lovely Christmas and I wish you well for this new year :)

  • Phoenix_Risin
    3 years ago
    Considering the events surrounding the pandemic are unprecedented, Gov. Cuomo has done a relatively good job ~~~ as have many other Governors. There's been no real leadership nor direction coming out of Washington ~~~ Trump's been on a bitch and moan session, for the past two months. The way I look at it, Anton, is thus; he lost, but he also fumbled the chance of doing a good job with what time he had remaining. Unfortunately, this pandemic continued on its own course. The only saving grace we have is that the holidays are over and any chance for super-spreader events is now lessened. They told people to stay home, but they still let the airlines operate normally ~~~ only because the government doesn't want to bailout the airline industry. Plus, some of the turds in power did what they wanted to do, while they were telling the people to stay put. I see that England is now under a National Lockdown ~~~ I think that could possibly happen here and when Biden takes office. You're right about the vaccine ~~~ did you see the f*cktard that deliberately ruined like 500 vials and by leaving it out? That's 500 people that could have gotten at least one dose. I agree with Cuomo on the proper place in the queue line and not letting rich (or connected) people jump ahead of those who are deserving of getting it first. Anyways, my friend, enjoy a fine evening ahead. Stay SAFE!

  • grizzlyten
    3 years ago
    Hey Anton, nice to see you. Sorry I didn't catch you before your channel disappeared on US. It doesn't matter now though, since the door's been slammed on all of us lol. Well we have this place so that's a bonus. The admin guys here are very nice too, and reasonable - I remember them from the old zippcast days. Well I wish you a happy new year too, and I hope 2021 is a lot better for us than 2020!

  • Phoenix_Risin
    3 years ago
    Good Day to you, Anton! Happy New Year to you, my friend ~~~ I hope 2021 bodes well for you and is full of Good Fortune. Thanks, for the invite and sub ~~~ know that I returned the favor. Just a quick Hello at that ~~~ I'm having a bit of trouble going from page to page, but I hear that clears up. You stay SAFE too ~~~ with this Covid spike and our general political landscape, 2021 looks like it might (for awhile) continue to look like 2020. That being said; enjoy your Monday afternoon. Good to see you here. ttyl