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Ontario) and Montreal without any assistance. “There was a lot of saber rattling going on,” said John R. Grodzinski, a history professor at the Royal Military College of Canada, who specializes in the War of 1812.Yet despite its population advantage, the United States had only about 12,000 men in uniform, including “too many incompetent officers and too many raw, untrained recruits,” explained Donald R. Hickey, a history professor at Wayne State College and author of various books on the War of 1812. A number of other factors also favored Canada at the war’s outset. For one thing, the British controlled the Great Lakes and were therefore better able to move troops and supplies. Moreover, they received support from Canadians, who many Americans falsely believed would welcome them as liberators, and from Native American tribes worried about U.S. expansionism. “The USA was woefully unprepared,” Hickey said. “Plus, the logistical challenges of waging war on a distant frontier were daunting if not insuperable.”

When U.S. General William Hull assembled a force of about 2,000 men and led them to Detroit, the jumping-off point for an intended assault on nearby Fort Malden in Upper Canada, the British found out about his plans by seizing a schooner with his baggage and papers on it. To make matters worse for Hull, about 200 Ohio militiamen refused to go beyond American territory. The general nonetheless remained confident. On July 12, 1812, he took his men across the Detroit River and into Canada, where he immediately issued a written proclamation telling inhabitants that they would “be emancipated from tyranny and oppression.” “Had I any doubt of eventual success I might ask your assistance, but I do not,” Hull declared. “I come prepared for every contingency.”

These words proved immediately laughable. Hull briefly laid siege to Fort Malden but soon withdrew after warriors under the leadership of Shawnee chief Tecumseh intercepted his supply train. British commander Isaac Brock then chased the Americans back across the river and began launching cannon fire at Fort Detroit from the Canadian side. Brock arranged for a bogus document to reach the Americans that told of large numbers of Native Americans approaching Detroit.
Country: United States
Comments (359)
  • Venus
    4 years ago
    de bovenste is de eerste ----ik stuur je wel een link naar je INBOX

  • Venus
    4 years ago
    Je gaat naar Dreamies ---je zoekt een plaatje --dan klik je op delen --de derde van boven Deze::Für Foren, Gästebücher etc. (BBCode)----die link pak je dan --dan zie je deze link:[url=]Image[/url] Nu ga je de voorste letters weg doen Tot aan ::Image--en achter tot aan wat ik stuur-Dus deze [ moet voor de img en achter de img] als laatste--zie je GREG ?? dit is wat je moet plaatsen Image

  • Dilhorne
    4 years ago
    [center][url=]Image[/url] [url=][b][/b][/url][/center]

  • Venus
    4 years ago
    je moet wat voor de {img staat wegpoetsen -en de achterste wat achter ---img] staat weg poetsen ---dus dit moet je dus zien ---das goed OK?? je stuurde mij een zeer klein vogeltje --nu moet ik een bril kopen hahaha

  • Venus
    4 years ago

  • Dilhorne
    4 years ago
    [center][url=]Image[/url] [url=][b][/b][/url][/center]

  • hubertgunpowder
    4 years ago
    Hallo Greg. Ja, het is een gemeen virus. Ik doe nog zelf de boodschappen, dan ben ik er even uit. Laten we hopen dat het leven weer snel normaal wordt. Wees voorzichtig en blijf gezond ~ Hubert ♫

  • Venus
    4 years ago
    Hi dear friend GREG✬❥Let this Sunday morning bring you lots of smiles, and you’ll leave all of last week’s troubles behind you.✬❥Venus☽✸❖Image

  • waywardsmile
    4 years ago
    I'm back a little, trying to be anyway. Yep, we're in the house and getting it all sorted out. It may be awhile before we get everything sorted out though. Still trying to redo a few things. Awww, so do you ever get to visit Uncle Basil? I know you used to check on him sometimes, and even took us along on the bicycle ride. Hmmm, well the roof of the garage was never in need of fixing, but the garage door was, and yes, we just got a new one...and a new mechanism, the whole shabang.

  • NightFright
    4 years ago

  • Venus
    4 years ago
    Imagehad mijn koffie nog niet klaar--hier is een hete bak))

  • Venus
    4 years ago
    Happy Sunday voor jou lieve GREG✬❥Make the most of this day !Laugh--Love-read-live-Love -learn-play-Dream;just be Happy. ✬❥Venus☽✸❖