King for a day,fool for a lifetime
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Comments (1437)
  • hubertgunpowder
    3 years ago
    Haha...Uitgraven...Er ligt wel een berg sneeuw voor mijn schuurdeur...Ik kan niet eens mijn fiets pakken...Ik wens je een fantastische nieuwe week, Alex ♫

  • Heavens_Hitman
    3 years ago
    Hi Alex, yes please do check out my videos when you have time. I honestly don't have to understand a song to like it. I agree, it's always better to understand the meaning of a song, because if you understand it, you get more from it. But I can still like a song without understanding it. Sometimes the rhythm or the melody is enough for me. I don't think anyone understands Queen's "Bohemian Rhapsody", but it is still a hugely popular song despite being gibberish. So you are getting snow there? That's so strange, we are farther north, and we rarely get any snow. Plenty of rain, but not much snow. I hope that your week is off to a good start. Thanks for dropping by.

    3 years ago
    ( sich ans herz fässt und tief durch-atmet ) - du bist wohl naarisch ? ^^ - du kannst dir ja mal auf meinem "troll"-kanal mein video über "LIESEL" anschauen, und dich dann mal fragen, wie gross so ein "deutscher bär" dann wohl sein könnte ? ^^ - ich ganz allein könnte HOLLAND einnehmen, also sei mal bitte etwas netter zu mir, - hörst ! ;) - ( du kommst doch aus holland, oder ? ) - lol jedenfalls kann ich nicht, wenn ich mal etwas schlechte laune habe, in einem coffee-shop rennen und mir eine regenbogen-zigarette kaufen, die mir alle sorgen wegbläst, - aber ich entschuldige mich, falls ich mal etwas zu "direkt" war ! - wir "berliner" sind aber so, das weiss man im ausland nur noch nicht ;) - wie du aber erkennen kannst ( siehe mein start-video ) ^^ - habe ich mir jetzt etwas entspannungs-musik zugelegt, und ich arbeite daran, ein besserer mensch zu werden ! - jaaahaha, - auch wir BÄREN, sind manchmal nur MENSCHEN ;) - na dann hab mal 'ne super woche, und nich immer so 'ne grosse klappe ! haha - BALOO ;)

  • SweetDeadlyKiss
    3 years ago
    Hi Alex, wir haben hier in NRW ein absolutes Schneechaos. Wir hatten hier ebenfalls seit Jahren keinen Schnee..und nun hatte es die ganze Nacht geschneit und immer wieder kam ein heftiger Eisregen. Alles ist immer noch glatt, die Winterdienste schaffen es hier nicht, das in den Griff zu bekommen. Der Zugverkehr wurde eingestellt, es fahren keine öffentlichen Verkehrsmittel..usw..usw.. und es ist krass kalt, die Temperatur liegt hier bei uns unter dem Gefrierpunkt, es sind -6 °.. Ich mag nicht so den Sommer wegen der Hitze, aber neee, das ist nun auch nicht mehr schön. Ansonsten geht es mir gut, ich hoffe das selbe für dich... Habe eine tolle neue und virusfreie Woche. Hugss 4~U :))♥Image

  • michael_89
    3 years ago
    OMG I just googled "hoochie coochie" man omg the last part. The hoochie coochie (/ˌhuːtʃi ˈkuːtʃi/) is a catch-all term to describe several sexually provocative belly dance-like dances from the mid-to late 1800s. ... In America, specifically in African-American culture and the music genre the blues, hootchie cootchie refers to the genitals of a drunken woman.

  • Venus
    3 years ago
    HUH?? ze hebben mij gisterav..nog een pakje bezorgt --heerlijke parfum DG hahaha ruik je het?? ok lekker he??))

  • Phoenix_Risin
    3 years ago
    The site cooperated enough that I made it back to your page. I see some of the Champions League matches have been affected by the Covid ~~~ just about everything has. And the IOC is still pushing for the Tokyo Olympics. I shake my head at the prospect of any of the participating countries and their athletes dealing with this threat, but I understand the conundrum that world class athletes may find themselves. They're amateurs who train wholeheartedly and for a once every four year unfolding and that defo has to work on their psyche (if they were to miss that window). That being said, my Good Friend; Mijn beste wensen voor jou en de jouwe ~~~ hopefully, Google translates properly.

  • Phoenix_Risin
    3 years ago
    So, Alex, here's a question for you ~~~ not so much a concert, but possibly an acoustic set and dinner with which one you might choose ~~~ but if you could pick a band to party and hang with for awhile (possibly, even for the entirety of a concert tour and as a trusted roadie); who might you pick? I'd have to say that I could possibly tolerate some time with the RHCP crew. And you're right about The Pixies ~~~ I think two of the founding members met while students at UMass-Amherst (affectionately known as Zoo Mass). You're right about the debt ceiling that limits what certain teams can spend and how that finds talented players elsewhere. And it's hard to take BIG $$$ MONEY out of the equation and give some equal footing in fielding teams. But, as you said, they do find their way back to represent the Dutch National Team well. This short note should find your Sunday Evening winding down and a new week awaiting ~~~ I hope it finds you and your family doing well. Continue to stay SAFE in your part of the Netherlands and I hope you enjoyed that Winter walk. Wishing you a fine Monday forward ~~~ enjoy!

  • Venus
    3 years ago
    hoi Alexxxxxxxxx di broodje --Ze komt van Louisiana--verder weet ik het ook niet --Wooow we hebben echt een sneeuw storm --de hele dag en nu nog steeds --allemaal sneeuw duinen --maar wel gezellig zo lang het wit is --met strooien wordt het pruttig en vies..Dus uitkijken morgen ,kan wel glad zijn zijn --zegt de weervrouw ..lieve Alex knackebrod --maak er wat van deze nieuwe week ..sf ik ..xo nog geen aansluiting op je lap ??

  • woojoke
    3 years ago
    Alex, my tulip whiffing bro! I was just joshing about bein cold so whom ever i typed it to would feel warmer;) Were i to be over there i'd still be wearing my shorts as long as i was sitting inside a cozy den by the fireplace roasting marshmallows over crackling oaken wood! Going outside into the frigid cold and froze snow would be an emphatic no-no!! Where do you pull a sled to?

  • michael_89
    3 years ago
    Hey Alex, being honest with you, never heard that song!? No idea what a "hootchie cootchie man" is?? It sounds rude :) We didn`t get snow....yet! But it`s cold enough for it. Good luck with your bike ride tomorrow. I`m on furlough so my ass is at home all day. I`ll see if I can find a way you can change "user" and let you know...I think we should get a band together with G as lead singer :) Have a good rest of your sunday Alex.

  • mariapoppinas
    3 years ago
    ....watched "frozen" 27 times and you blame your brain freeze on dairy queen?....