Weekly Dispatch 11.20.17

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Happy thanksgiving!

If all goes to plan, we should be able to go ahead with the expansion next week. I want to do a bit more testing to make sure that all of our various components will behave themselves in their native environment, so we're planning one more spot of downtime on November 28th at 3AM CST. I'm looking forward to making things even better yet!

Apologies again to those affected by the "text" bug, we'll have that sorted out shortly.

Music by CrystalFissure- https://c...

Happy thanksgiving!

If all goes to plan, we should be able to go ahead with the expansion next week. I want to do a bit more testing to make sure that all of our various components will behave themselves in their native environment, so we're planning one more spot of downtime on November 28th at 3AM CST. I'm looking forward to making things even better yet!

Apologies again to those affected by the "text" bug, we'll have that sorted out shortly.

Music by CrystalFissure- https://crystalfissure.bandcamp.com/.

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Published on Nov 20, 2017