waywardsmile's Channel
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Comments (1261)
  • Brody
    2 months ago
    And thank you for commenting on my Lou Reed share, as the only one, the rest can't be bothered. And I know you don't like his voice that much, but can listen throught it, to find the beauty in his lyrics. So it does come down to what it always was since day one, in YT's heyday, you. Thank you.

  • Brody
    2 months ago
    Ok, so I did watch the great British bake off. it went of to a good start the guy presenting it, is from a great band called Kasabian, he has a great sense of humor, sadly he wasn't allowed to show that here. They started baking bisquits. Some guy said they are exquisite, then I was thinking my god 30 seconds in, and that whole episode will be like this 30 seconds. We have a Dutch version of it as well, I never watched it. The You watched the heron sketch, oh wait, the 1st 5 seconds of it? that is not even the build up. No wonder you didn't get it , again. We might as well talk about the elephant in the room: Women, my dear, yes,are a nice contribution to our life, but have absolutely no sense of humor. But you are gifted with a better ear for music, than me even, something most women lack as well. But not you, so I was thinking could she "get"guy hu...no wait ...just humor, as well? No, but all good ,you can't be too perfect, right? XXX

  • samantha0
    2 months ago
    Morning its monday 10 34 am in usa

  • Dreamfall
    2 months ago
    Hey Genny! I've had this background up since Valentine's Day. I had some fun with it. I think S and my brother would be great at making a game that they both would enjoy. S is so focused on detail! I can only imagine he built the entire Death Star out of Legos in just one day. Legos were so much fun to build with. It's pretty wild that the instructions were like a blueprint for each build. It's not surprising that S is great at coding, since he started building things at such a young age. I hope you're enjoying your weekend so far! I'm just working on videos and trying out some new video editing software that's free but much more advanced than Windows Movie Maker, which I love but is kind of basic. I prefer something that's in the middle but not too advanced like Final Cut Pro. We've had very warm weather lately, but now there's a bit of a cool down. Next week, it's going to be almost hot for this time of year. It's winter and in the 80s? Hey, I'm all for it! That means I can wear shorts again. Have a great night! XO

  • woojoke
    2 months ago
    Hmmm, what is your cheese of choice when making such a delish delight? Do you go to Mexico and pick your own pimentos or are they grown here also? I buy mine at Publix and it;s a homestyle kind called Palmetto cheese cause it's made in Pawley's Island S.C. and is gluten free. What makes this so good is that in each sandwich i make i devour in about eight bites though in two of them there will nearly always be a very HOT pepper taste that i love and no sandwich never goes to waste;) Hope you're having a stupendous weekend, you Lovely southern Belle:) XOX

  • Brody
    3 months ago
    So Ginny, you watch some baking show I just read? And you are telling me the shows I watch are not all that? wooooot ! pfffft. Ok no idea what I just wrote, at the end, but when I said it out loud it made sense. Anyway did someone bake a ....cake maybe? awesome ! Probably much better than Parks and recreation. Did you rewatch the heron sketch? I just said to a co worker he should watch it ,and he said rolled of the couch, tears in his eyes, his GF looking on in disbelief.

  • StrictlyMuzik
    3 months ago
    Hey Ginny, Happy belated Valentine's Day...What is this that I hear you have a pet snake.. lol... 1 guess who told me.. I was dying over here...lol....Never invite me over for coffee,,, lol...too funny...I hope all is well with you ( and your snake) Have a fantastic weekend. I had to stop & have a drink after I heard about your pet snake...CheersImage

  • samantha0
    3 months ago
    dreamfall is very shy.. delete comment :(

  • Dreamfall
    3 months ago
    Happy Valentine's Day Genny! :)

  • samantha0
    3 months ago
    Is everyone away or busy else where say chillspot1 etc.

  • Brody
    3 months ago
    well whattayaknow? I found the Heron sketch !! You're welcome. the 1st sketch is two wallpaperers. But it starts at 5:33 ! You're welcome ! https://youtu.be/Qg0RMta0-pE?si=CW0X8S5Joxhjw60e

  • Riffster
    3 months ago
    I still cannot imagine him being into cooking or baking shows, but maybe you're right. I have to give him a lot of credit for being strong and determined enough to stay away from the junk that most kids his age eat. Heck, it's not just the kids anymore! My coworker, who is in his early 30's was sitting outside enjoying some sunshine on his lunch break last week. He was eating a bag of peanut M&M's, a large Coke, and a Gatorade. Nothing else. Of course I asked him if that is how he always eats, and he said "pretty much" but insisted that he cooks a good meal every night at home. I have no idea how people can function on that much junk, but to each their own! I'm off to start prepping for dinner, but in reference to our conversation this morning, I thought I would share this little gem with you. As if I wasn't confused enough already, OMG... WTF is going on these days? Bye for now!