There can be only one.....
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Someone asked me, "if I was stuck on a desert island, what book would I bring?" I said "How to build a boat"
I remember when I was popular, those were the days...........Actually that`s a lie, I was never popular :)
Whatever you do, always give 100% unless it`s donating blood.
'If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went.' --Wil Rogers
Country: United Kingdom
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Comments (1662)
  • Phoenix_Risin
    1 year ago
    Not lost, my Good Friend ~~~ just away for a while, but sadly I have no new interesting tales to tell. Perhaps, you are right about things being less hidden and those in power kind of not really being fazed by having their deeds set before the world's eyes. The knockout round begins, 2moro ~~~ I still have a feeling that some of the powerful teams have either been playing possum or took lesser teams for granted. It would be nice to have a new team win the whole thing ~~~ perhaps, Japan. When you think about it: all any team has to accomplish to win is now to go on a four-game win streak. A prince (William) from your part of the world has been in Boston for the past few days. Anyways, Michael, good to read your words. I opened my commentary for it is not fair to comment on your wall with mine being closed. Enjoy your weekend and the game come Sunday. :)

  • woojoke
    1 year ago
    Thank you and a happy first of December to you and the two of you, lord Michael:)

  • Phoenix_Risin
    1 year ago
    Although, I find myself hither and elsewhere ~~~ a Quick Hello to you, my friend. I had uploaded a new tune and I see that you put forth an apropos tune for the climate our world finds itself within. Casting aside the enmity our world leaders continue to share with one another: my hope is that you are well and enjoy a most beautiful Christmas season. May that merriment continue to the apex of New Year 2023. I hope 2023 brings Good Fortune your way, Michael. And good luck to The Three Lions ~~~ you should make it past Senegal and, perhaps, face the likes of France. I see the Japanese defeated Spain to make it to the ROUND OF 16 for the first time. Though, it makes me wonder if some of the teams played conservatively and were looking towards more favorable knockout round matches. Anyways, you will see to it first ~~~ say ELLO to 2023 for me. :)

  • woojoke
    1 year ago
    Thanks lord Michael, we did have fun with good food and drink, so much so we have leftovers to drink and eat and that makes me VERY happy:)) I hope you and Kelli are VERY happy too:))

  • woojoke
    1 year ago
    Thank you lord Michael....i plan to partake in all three of those endeavors though i'm giving the gobbler a break and placate my taste buds with honey-baked ham instead:)

  • woojoke
    1 year ago
    When to dig my next hole depends on two things; 1. the weather has to warm up some as the ground is frozen in places and dulling my shovels is not an option i relish doing and B. i must think or dream of a suitable place that is more apt for me to see where the treasure might be!?! Stay cool but warm lord Michael:)

  • woojoke
    1 year ago
    Lord Michael, *Jump* became a hit in 1983, so six years before you graced the world with your presence:) I feel fine like four year old aged wine and/or a happy fish that escaped from a wormy fishing line;)

  • woojoke
    1 year ago
    Kelli is an even prettier ladies name:) That i was a typo;(

  • woojoke
    1 year ago
    Lord Michael, a toolbag? that's a new word to me, but probably fits him to a tee! Nope, Eddie Van Halen(great guitarist) died a few years ago so no the band is no more;( David had a semi-hit on his own and later talked his way back on the band briefly. He's in his seventies now and would need a trampoline to do much jumping around;) Killi is a pretty girl's name:) I'm doing splendidly, thanks!

  • woojoke
    1 year ago
    Lord Michael, NORMAL?? That's one thing i'll never be, too weird and flaky i be;) When i had pneumonia i was still the same ole me just less oxygen for free;) Undeniable fabulousness fits you to a tee:) At one time Mr. Roth was such an asshole that he was kicked out of the band and replaced with Sammy Hagar, and it was about the same time as when "Jump was a hit, but he seems to have mellowed since then so all was forgiven......maybe!?! Why do you call your Lovely lady *the Keister* or is that Kelster?

  • woojoke
    1 year ago
    Lord Michael, the doc said i'm doing even better than i look and i can give the oxygen the heave ho in two weeks......maybe!?! In the meantime i can drive again so iwent to the store for groceries and rolling the buggy in font with one hand and pulling the tank behind me with the other while dodging other crazy customers and their buggies was quite challaging;) Of course you look like you or you'd be someone else:) Seems you be a lucky guy and hit the bullseye to have found such a lovely lady so always give her a big smile when first seeing her:) Now i must go and plan where to dig my next hole;)

  • woojoke
    1 year ago
    Hi, i've always been a tad nutzo, weird, and mule-headed though i'm not stupid so i'll heed your advise and listen to and do whatever the doc says:) Thank you lord Michael, my favorite English friend for your concern! I hope you and she are staying healthy and enjoying life to the fullest:)