Sakugan (Sacks&Guns) Fall Preview Official Trailer

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Funny thing is,I never heard of or even was aware of this Show,untile I recently saw a video of this reccommended to me,which I got major Gurran Lauganne Vibes from this.XD only instead of Yoko with Guns drilling up to the surface,we get a Little Girl (with a Father) as the main character that drives Tanks and throws Bombs! Sounds like my Kind of show worth checking

and So I recently looked this show up and seems like this was a recent new Fall Lineup anime that just recently came out this past o...

Funny thing is,I never heard of or even was aware of this Show,untile I recently saw a video of this reccommended to me,which I got major Gurran Lauganne Vibes from this.XD only instead of Yoko with Guns drilling up to the surface,we get a Little Girl (with a Father) as the main character that drives Tanks and throws Bombs! Sounds like my Kind of show worth checking

and So I recently looked this show up and seems like this was a recent new Fall Lineup anime that just recently came out this past october and already has 5 episodes.

and NO,don't let the name fool you one bit,this show is not another Pokemon or Digimon clone which I wasn't even aware such a show like this existed which I'm dead serious,with how lackluster the fall lineup is so far,it was very rare for me to find an amazing gem like this:P

aside from Pride of Orange and Digimon Ghost Game I'm following,rare gems like this are hard to come by burried among this season's wasteland Barrel.

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Published on Nov 10, 2021

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