The Stranger

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A long time ago she came to give her wisdom.
The men didn’t listen to her, she was just a woman
Since then she has seen the world destroyed
She wept over the evils of the earth
She suffered from such wilful ignorance
And then she decided to give it another chance
To this furious world
She’ll come back one day as a stranger
Dressed in light or simple rags
Everyone will see it according to their own eyes
Her sword does not kill but cuts the evil at its base
Some will only see a strange...

A long time ago she came to give her wisdom.
The men didn’t listen to her, she was just a woman
Since then she has seen the world destroyed
She wept over the evils of the earth
She suffered from such wilful ignorance
And then she decided to give it another chance
To this furious world
She’ll come back one day as a stranger
Dressed in light or simple rags
Everyone will see it according to their own eyes
Her sword does not kill but cuts the evil at its base
Some will only see a stranger
Others will recognize her, others already know
For a true woman always chooses Life ...

Il y a bien longtemps elle est venue pour donner sa sagesse.
Les hommes ne l’ont pas écoutée, elle n’était qu’une femme
Depuis elle a vu le monde se détruire sans cesse
Elle a pleuré sur les maux de la terre
Elle a souffert de tant d’ignorance volontaire
Et puis elle a décidé de donner une autre chance
A ce monde en furie
Elle reviendra un jour comme une étrangère
Vêtue de lumière ou de simples haillons
Chacun la verra selon ses propres yeux
Son épée ne tue pas mais tranche le mal à sa base
Certains ne verront qu’une étrangère
D’autres la reconnaîtront, d’autres savent déjà
Car une vraie femme choisit toujours la Vie ...

Eny ♥
Music by Roger Subirana Mata

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Published on Jul 28, 2021