Bigfoot and Wildboy “UFO” – The Krofft Supershow

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Originally aired as part of The Krofft Supershow from 1977–1978 before getting its own stand-alone show.

Per Wiki: After Wildboy was orphaned in the Pacific Northwest, he was found and raised by Bigfoot, the legendary man-beast of the forest. The two worked together to fight those who would harm the forest. They were aided in the first season by Suzie, 12-year-old daughter of Ranger Lucas; in the second season, Suzie was replaced by Cindy, a young archeology student.

The episodes of "Bigfoot...

Originally aired as part of The Krofft Supershow from 1977–1978 before getting its own stand-alone show.

Per Wiki: After Wildboy was orphaned in the Pacific Northwest, he was found and raised by Bigfoot, the legendary man-beast of the forest. The two worked together to fight those who would harm the forest. They were aided in the first season by Suzie, 12-year-old daughter of Ranger Lucas; in the second season, Suzie was replaced by Cindy, a young archeology student.

The episodes of "Bigfoot and Wildboy" that aired on The Krofft Supershow were 15 minutes in length. In 1979, ABC brought back the show as a stand-alone series by editing the 15 minutes segments into 30 minute episodes. New episodes were also filmed and aired in the summer of 1979.

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Published on Jun 22, 2019

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