Will Cure Cosmo go down the Same Path as Cure Parfait? [Rainbow Colored Cures???]

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So the other day,me and one of my Friends "Zalure" were discussing this Topic regarding the upcoming new Team Member of the Star Twinkle Precure Team Which is "Cure Cosmo"!


Lets Face it! it was pretty obvious that we knew from day one that Mao (AKA: Blue Cat) was gonna be Cure Cosmo (Even though she'll make her full debut in episode 20) before it was even linked out,I mean the writers didn't even try to hide it.lol. it was so obvious...

So the other day,me and one of my Friends "Zalure" were discussing this Topic regarding the upcoming new Team Member of the Star Twinkle Precure Team Which is "Cure Cosmo"!


Lets Face it! it was pretty obvious that we knew from day one that Mao (AKA: Blue Cat) was gonna be Cure Cosmo (Even though she'll make her full debut in episode 20) before it was even linked out,I mean the writers didn't even try to hide it.lol. it was so obvious since day one.XD

Now the real question however is, Will Mao (Cure Cosmo) end up going down the same road as Ciel (Cure Parfair) from KiraKira Pretty Cure a La Mode? Will Mao have a similar witty/Sarcastic charm almost similar to Ciel??

The Reason I think this is that this is the 2nd time the franchise has had a rainbow colored Cure,and Yes it's a rainbow themed Cure,despite her initial hair color being blue like Cure Milky,because funny thing is,alot of Precure fans mistakened Cure Parfait as a green colored cure similar to Cure Felice (from Mahou Tsukai) when in reality she's a rainbow colored cure,so the same also goes for Cure Cosmo!:P

In terms of Personality,she may have a witty charm similar to ciel,but doesn't come close at all to Cure Macaron's Sassyness! but hey at least Cure Cosmo won't end up being another Cure Beat 2.0. which I hope to god she doesn't end up going down the "OH Woe as Me Path,WHAT HAVE I DONE" path,like so many villians from previous seasons have done which hurted they're respectful seasons.lol

All Joking aside,My guess is,She won't end up like Cure Passion (Fresh), Cure Beat (Suite) or Twilight/Cure Scarlet (Go Princess) which she'll be in more of the lines of Cure Parfair from KiraKira!

Anyway,the song I used for the video is an 80's Jpop song by Yuko Imai called "Nijiiro No Aura" which literally translates to "Rainbow colored aura"


Since both Cure Cosmo and Cure Parfait are Rainbow Colored Cures,this song fits them perfectly.lol

Speaking of Colors,Rainbow Brite wants her Rainbow Colors back.lol


also in other news,the first volume of the Star Twinkle Pretty Cure OST is now out which I used some of it's music in my recent Super Bomberman 1 Remastered Playthrough video:P



All Rights to Star Twinkle Pretty Cure and KiraKira Pretty Cure a La Mode belong to Toei Animation and Bandai

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Published on Jun 7, 2019

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