My Lonely Theme : FOREVER A : "Stranger in a Strange LAND"

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Land full of morbidity and complexities. Bylines of negative duality.
And disenfranchised elements of dystopias and partnerless negativity!

I stand alone looking upon this over-sized omen painted upon the lost
azure sky and peaceful conclusion. To realize as words that slip by
my grasp as a nomadic wayfarer. Were always taunting me as they have
done so often. Hurtful and soul stabbing Illusions!

Land full of morbidity and complexities. Bylines of negative duality.
And disenfranchised elements of dystopias and partnerless negativity!

I stand alone looking upon this over-sized omen painted upon the lost
azure sky and peaceful conclusion. To realize as words that slip by
my grasp as a nomadic wayfarer. Were always taunting me as they have
done so often. Hurtful and soul stabbing Illusions!

Published on Nov 18, 2016

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