Twinkle Tale (Sega Genesis) Original Soundtrack - Track 01: Opening Theme

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Twinkle Tale (Sega Genesis) Music OST - Track 01: Opening Theme

Track 01 - Opening Theme

Console: Sega Genesis

Year: 1992

Publisher: Toyo Recording Co.

Developer: Wonder Amusement Studio

Music Composer: Hiroshi Nishikawa

Twinkle Tale is an overhead run-and-gun that was released exclusively in Japan for the Mega Drive, and wa...

Twinkle Tale (Sega Genesis) Music OST - Track 01: Opening Theme

Track 01 - Opening Theme

Console: Sega Genesis

Year: 1992

Publisher: Toyo Recording Co.

Developer: Wonder Amusement Studio

Music Composer: Hiroshi Nishikawa

Twinkle Tale is an overhead run-and-gun that was released exclusively in Japan for the Mega Drive, and was developed by a very obscure developer called Wonder Amusement Studio. It sets itself apart from other games in its genre due to its unique setting - it combines Mercs-style gameplay with Cotton-style thematics. You spend the entire game plowing through each level and mowing down anything and everything in sight with an assortment of weapons and bombs. Except your character is a witch named Saria, complete with a magic staff and pointy hat, rather than a machine-gun toting commando, and the stages and enemies have a fantasy theme rather than your standard Rambo / Commando inspired settings that are so prevalent in the genre. The enemies themselves are a mix of various generic fantasy monsters and the stages vary from castles, to stone walkways in the sky, to simple grassy fields. The title screen shows a floating island (where I guess this takes place) and the intro screen (which explains the plot) is designed to look like a picture book, which is perfect for the tone of the game.

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Published on Nov 29, 2016

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