woojoke's Channel
Joined: 6 years ago
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Channel Views: 41,794
Video Views: 17,962
co0ol, free spirited, silly sometime rhyme spewer(it's habitual and unusual unintentional....maybe), ex ax thrower, gold digger, board-less surfer dude, and even tempered moon howler;)
Country: United States
Comments (2615)
    3 years ago
    ... many thanks, i'm thinking you are the best 18% indian chief, and 18% friend, from this crazy world ever ! - hope you have fun, in this night ! - BALOO ;) ☮ ☆ † ... and more ;) ^^ ♬ ♫ ♪ == --->

  • michael_89
    3 years ago
    Sir B, a very merry Chrimbo to you and yours.

  • woojoke
    3 years ago
    To all who stumble and fall then crawl here for some X-mas cheer i say: H0 H0 H0....oops i wasn't too clear, i mean HO HO HO and a bottle of rum in the tum;) MERRY CHRISTMAS!!

    3 years ago
    ... MERRY X-MAS ! - ❥ BALOO luff youuuuu ... ;) ^^

  • michael_89
    3 years ago
    Sir B. I`ve heard of the new "mutant strain" of covid. Seems a tad convenient to me just at the point they`ve create a vaccine that a lot of people are dubious of taking. However if a new lockdown means being paid to stay at home, I`m all for the "new strain" :) Take care and be careful sir B. Have a great humpday.

  • Brody
    3 years ago
    Blaine ! MyBrotherFromAnotherFather AndMother, how you bee? I am doing fine, that incl. my loved ones. Nice Christmas feature, Child in time...knocking on your door, when you open , he starts a nice Christmas Carol, with his friends.

  • michael_89
    3 years ago
    Sir B, rest assured, if I were to be fortunate enough to unearth Excalibur, you`d be the first person I`d contact so you might remove said Excalibur from the stone. As for archery, the archery club has decided to stay closed until the new year. Hopefully we won`t have a 3rd lockdown come January and I`ll be able to not only continue archery but also start my new museum job? :) Have a splendid Monday sir B.

  • michael_89
    3 years ago
    Addendum...forgive me, I forgot your question, as for perks uuuum probably all the tea/coffee I can drink and maybe biscuits too? That`s English biscuits IE cookies lol.

  • michael_89
    3 years ago
    Sir B, I love the idea of digging up history. I want to be the first to find the tomb of Alexander, or Camelot ( if it existed? ) Maybe Excalibur? Anyway, wishing you a good last sunday before Chrimbo.

    3 years ago
    ... please more RESPECT ! ( he died young )

    3 years ago

    3 years ago
    ... i think, your BG is time for poopsing Kamele !! ^^