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Joined: 3 years ago
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Dear brothers and sisters! See it as a special reason to rejoice when your faith is repeatedly tested.
Country: United States
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Comments (324)
  • Sumisu
    3 years ago
    Do you have any bohemian germans,russland Deutsche or any other eastern European Germans where you are ;T.apparently ny where I live has a gottscheer community but I never encountered any

  • Sumisu
    3 years ago
    Hello odu hru :).have a nice week.gutentag

  • jacob_vs_kairi
    3 years ago
    She blocked me again. So much for a freedom of speech.

  • ElizabethEllen
    3 years ago
    ElizaBETH. Only my mom ever called me "Elizabeth" and that was only when she was angry at me for something.

  • jacob_vs_kairi
    3 years ago
    Do you still want to kill every Ivan ? Thanks for telling Beth.to unblock me.

  • ElizabethEllen
    3 years ago
    Oh I thought you knew, I am Beth, I don't know about Flemish, but in English "Beth" is short for "Elizabeth".

  • Enyarwen2021
    3 years ago
    In silence, the world around me has changed In silence, scents and colors whisper this metamorphosis In silence, I enter my season and I finally feel at home ... Sweet week end dear friends ♥ En silence, le monde autour de moi a changé En silence, les senteurs et les couleurs murmurent cette métamorphose En silence, j'entre dans ma saison et je me sens enfin chez moi ... Doux week end chers amis ♥ Music by Athanor In Silence 🧚‍♀️ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4rmYGbg0FBs&ab_channel=EnyArwen

  • jacob_vs_kairi
    3 years ago

  • jacob_vs_kairi
    3 years ago
    Tell Beth to unblock me, I just want to talk, not make war.

  • Enyarwen2021
    3 years ago
    The life of a human being is full of multiple emotions and feelings, complex and often difficult to control ... yet they are the ones who help us to express the relationships we have with others, or facing events ... knowing how to manage them is not easy, but without them we would not really be human ... Great day to all ♥ La vie d un être humain est pétrie d'émotions et de sentiments multiples, complexes et souvent difficiles à maîtriser ... pourtant ceux sont eux qui nous aident à exprimer les relations que nous avons avec les autres, ou face aux événements ... savoir les gérer n'est pas chose facile, mais sans eux nous ne serions pas vraiment humains ... Belle journée à tous ♥ Music by Roger Subirana Mata Labyrinth Of Feelings 💚💚 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=65TVpFodPEA&ab_channel=EnyArwen

  • ElizabethEllen
    3 years ago
    But you have to wait ! We all do !

  • Enyarwen2021
    3 years ago
    Whether one lives in the city, near the sea or in the countryside, no one can ignore the Solstice, because clarity and darkness are equal. Mabon symbolizes the last harvests before Autumn, once well settled, will draw us to sweet and fragrant walks, offer us rain and varied winds, and then the magic of the cool seasons will do its work, both in our bodies, our hearts and for the most sensitive, in their souls. The Full Moon this year invite herself to the celebration, so it will be a full fest, where the little people of Nature will sing and dance for two days and two nights . Be Happy my friends ♥ Que l'on vive en ville, près de la mer ou en campagne, nul ne peut ignorer le Solstice, car la clarté et l'obscurité sont égales . Mabon symbolise les dernières récoltes avant que l'Automne une fois bien installé, nous attire vers des promenades douces et odorantes, nous offre des pluies et des vents variés, et alors la magie des saisons fraîches fera son oeuvre, à la fois dans nos corps, nos coeurs et pour les plus sensibles, dans leurs âmes . La Pleine Lune cette année s'invite à la célébration, ce sera donc une fête complète, où le petit peuple de la Nature chantera et dansera durant deux jours et deux nuits. Soyez Heureux mes amis ♥ Music by Unicorn Heads Autumn Equinox 2021 )O( Mabon Celebration 🍂🍂 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cLq8xfKuOX4&ab_channel=EnyArwen