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Dear brothers and sisters! See it as a special reason to rejoice when your faith is repeatedly tested.
Country: United States
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Comments (324)
  • Enyarwen2021
    3 years ago
    After this agitated week end , I send you Angels, all kinds ... have a wonderful November, a month full of charm and mystery too, and enjoy this Tuesday in peace and joy *** ♥♥♥ Après ce week end agité, je vous envoie des Anges, de toutes sortes ... passez un merveilleux Novembre, un mois plein de charme et de mystère aussi, et appréciez ce Mardi dans la paix et la joie *** ♥♥♥ Angels are Watching πŸ‘ΌπŸ‘Ό https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RyPt7orS7b8&ab_channel=EnyArwen

  • ElizabethEllen
    3 years ago
    Do you celebrate Halloween ?

  • Enyarwen2021
    3 years ago
    For the fun, the pleasure to be afraid, the mystery, strangeness and weird apparitions .... Happy Halloween to all ♥♥☻☻♥♥ Pour l'amusement, le plaisir d'avoir peur, le mystère, l'étrange et les apparitions bizarres ... Joyeux Halloween à tous ♥♥☻☻♥♥ Music by Roger Subirana Mata Happy Scary Halloween πŸ‘» πŸŽƒ https://youtu.be/SR-y3dwGVNs

    3 years ago
    ... hi UDO, - was macht die kunst ? ;) - hoffe, alles ist wieder MAGIC β˜… !? - ...BALOO ... > Image

  • Enyarwen2021
    3 years ago
    Samhain, the great celebration announcing the Celtic New Year is therefore the first of the feasts, bringing together the world of the dead and the world of the living in the same fervor, breaking the taboo of fear, removing the thin veil that separates one from the other, with songs and dances of joy ... Happy Samhain to you, dear friends ... ♥♥♥ Samhain, la grande célébration annonçant le nouvel an celtique est donc la première des fêtes, réunissant le monde des défunts et celui des vivants dans une même ferveur, brisant le tabou de la peur, écartant le fin voile qui sépare les uns des autres, par des chants et des danses de joie ... Happy Samhain to you, dear friends ...♥♥♥ Music by Jeremy Blake Samhain 2021 Two Worlds Meeting )O( πŸ’œ https://youtu.be/kzTzFODd2Fw

  • mosscia
    3 years ago
    Hi @Odu . @odu Could you make German subtitles for this video with this video while he says in english what he says and send it to me please ( 5 minutes video . WARNING FACE DIAPERS (COVID MASKS) COME WITH TRACKING DEVICES https://www.veto.social/v/ZbvMx49D/

  • Enyarwen2021
    3 years ago
    Prepare yourselves to welcome Witches , the great Festival is gonna be to start ... They come from everywhere, pretty, old, strange ... but overall fascinating ... Be kind with them, they suffered enough through centuries .... ♥ Préparez vous à accueillir les Sorcières, le grand Festival va commencer ... Elles viennent de partout, jolies, vieilles, étranges ... mais par dessus tout fascinantes ... Soyez gentils avec elles, elles ont assez souffert au cours des siècles ... ♥ Music by An Jone Witchy Tale ♥ https://youtu.be/WNOeHpX17s8

  • Enyarwen2021
    3 years ago
    He has always been in the eyes of people an original being, coming from another time, and travelling his way without a specific purpose ... you have met him, perhaps without knowing it, because he changes his appearance according to the circumstances. his words seem enigmatic, but great is his experience ... listen to him and remember him ... he is wise, discreet, strange, but his advices are precious ... Nice week, my friends ♥ Depuis toujours il est aux yeux des gens un être original, venant d'un autre temps, et parcourant sa route sans but précis ... vous l'avez rencontré, peut être sans le savoir, car il change d'aspect selon les circonstances. ses paroles semblent être énigmatiques, mais grande est son expérience ... écoutez le et souvenez vous de lui ... c'est un sage, discret, étrange, mais ses conseils sont précieux ... Belle semaine mes amis ♥ Music by Nicoco The Wise Man ... Le Sage πŸ§™ https://youtu.be/TFq4dJo2Qwk

  • ElizabethEllen
    3 years ago
    The point is -- electric cars have their drawbacks. They are much more expensive to run than gasoline-powered cars.

  • mosscia
    3 years ago
    @udo Please check out german subs subtitles deutsche sprachlich deutschsprachige Untertitel Project zyphr Active Project pogo Active , david elias goldberg Last Words on Coronavirus covid co2vid https://metajolt.com/watch?v=gje8fn

  • ElizabethEllen
    3 years ago
    No. I never do.

  • Enyarwen2021
    3 years ago
    Full Moon this afternoon, in Ram ... I chose a mood more abstract this time, as if we enter in space to meet stars and planets and embrace universe , fully, through our entire being ♥ Pleine lune cet après-midi, en Bélier ... J’ai choisi une ambiance plus abstraite cette fois, comme si on entrait dans l’espace pour rencontrer des étoiles et des planètes et embrasser l’univers, pleinement, à travers tout notre être ♥ Music by Unicorn Heads Full Moon October πŸŒ• Abstraction πŸŒ• https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oNCXZMfXv7Y&ab_channel=EnyArwen