TheCartoonKid26's Channel
Joined: 8 years ago
Subscribers: 13
Channel Views: 9,222
Video Views: 7,050
Hello, I'm Bradley. I'm someone who's been on a long journey to find a good place to share my work and make new friends. After dealing with allot of bullshit on sites like YouTube and Vidlii I can say I'm safe to call this site the new home for my videos. Before this site had an uploader I would embed videos from my Vidme account (Which I don't use anymore) and my Vimeo account.

I'm a big fan of 90's, Early 00's and Classic Cartoons from the golden age of animation. I enjoy manga and old school Gameboy games. I enjoy doing slideshow tributes of my favorite cartoons and anime girls with my favorite songs.

My Deviant Art account, where I post some drawings and stories and talk to some of my close friends.

My Upload Stars account: the other home for my videos.

Facebook Account, which I'm not very active on.
Country: United States
Comments (209)
  • TheCartoonKid26
    7 years ago
    Announcement to the people of Vidlii: I want everyone to know that I had a severe panic attack after seeing CraftingLord's rant video and my anger got out of control. Some of my actions were inexcusable regardless of how angry I was and I could have handled the situation better. While I'm still very angry at CraftingLord21 I apologise to him for my comment to him last night.

    The DDoS threat was out of a complete anger melt down and I forgot all about it, but I wasn't actually going to do something stupid that could ruin my life.

    I also take responsibility for the incident regarding Chrono's channel desgin. I just wanted to help him and I get very defensive because he's the only true friend I've ever had my entire life. I just want friends like everyone else, nobody wants to talk to me on the internet and real life isn't even on option right now due to my extreme social anxiety. Nobody even cared about my birthday this year which literally brought me in tears.

    Vidlii maybe a good site to many, but it's not a good option for me. I regret joining the original Vidbit. I don't think the internet is a safe space, but something happened on YouTube that practically scarred me not too long before I joined Vidbit which is why I get panic attacks very easy. It's not the drama there, it's how it escalates.

    Now that I made two good new friends on Deviant Art maybe my luck will finally change, but I'm moving on from Vidlii. I offer a sincere apology to allot of the people there. Just please don't blame my friend Chrono for my actions.

    Oh, and Iloveanime721, I'm sorry. I just don't want to be friends because I can't take fighting with you anymore, but I'm deeply sorry for what I said.

  • ChronoArcaile18
    7 years ago
    You also wanna know what really boils my blood to a piss Buddy? all these asskissing White Knighting faggots are now Defending Iloveanime721 like he's an innocent victim when these faggots don';t even know our history with him on how we constantly had to deal with Iloveanime721's Crap/Drama for the past 5 years

    Ever since we first met Iloveanime721,he's done nothing but cause shitloads of trouble for us on Both Youtube and vidlii constantly attacking and stalking us and our friends and because of him,it was his fault the whole drama between me and smoshyteatime happened in the first place,but yet he gets off scott free and treat him like an innocent misunderstood victim when he's done nothing but caused trouble between me and my friends and yet we get treated like absolute shit when we've done nothing wrong but defended ourselves *hugs you*, this is why I don't trust these social media communities anymore which I plan to look for more fun sites buddy.

  • MrATAndreiThomas
    7 years ago
    I thought so, craftinglord has definitely gone too far, he did that shit on me and my friend NightFright and its really getting out of hand. i'm a sort of person who dose not like backstabbers in general and those who do that turn against me deliberately, i will cut off those type of people completely to the point i don't trust them. and then i move after that. I'm really sorry for you and Chrono. my old friend, what ever happens, you and chrono still got my support 100% peace.

  • ChronoArcaile18
    7 years ago
    thanks so much for defending me buddy,because we'll always have each other which i'm not gonna let this bastard ruin our halloween this year *hugs you*

    Also I gave him another piece of my mind explaining to him what you've been through buddy:

    also,I gave Iloveanime721 on DA another piece of my mind buddy/.

  • ChronoArcaile18
    7 years ago
    OH and Btw buddy,I gave that backstabbing faggot craftinglord a piece of my mind,because I wasn't gonna sit back and watch him trash us like that for no reason,because I am never gonna step foot into his shitty ass community ever again.

  • ChronoArcaile18
    7 years ago
    OH I don't beleive this buddy,why that backstabbing Mother fucker! and to think I used to respect him,but you know what buddy,mrAdriasthomas was right about that back stabbing son of a bitch! Craftinglord used to be a cool respectful guy,but now his ego has taken a turn for the worst and has now gotten the best of him.

    All we did was had a right to defend ourselves buddy when all these jackass's were attacking us and now he's trying to make us look like we're the bad guys when we did'nt cause any trouble. this is why I don't trust any of these social media sites anymore buddy because i'm sick to death of those sick sons of a bitches white knighting Obvious Trouble making drama obsessed trolls (which they get off scott free) while we get treated like absolute shit. this is why I'm losing interest in the Internet in general Buddy which is no wonder why most people have'nt left youtube yet because there are no other options left. this is why i'm never stepping foot into these piece of shit site vidlii ever again.

    I can now understand why MrAndriathomas blocked Craftinglord,because that mother fucker which I used to have respect for (Which I regret defending him during the whole Louis Vidbit incident) Back stabbed us for no god damn reason at all *hugs you*

  • NightFright
    7 years ago
    I seen that video he has some nerve and it's fake news Maklarr4000 should know about this he's done this to me and Thomas as well

  • TheCartoonKid26
    7 years ago
    Fuck Vidlii!! If I ever get in contact with Lou's I'm requesting him to DDoS that piece of fucking dog shit site!!

  • ChronoArcaile18
    7 years ago
    hey buddy,i'm so sorry i've been quiet for the past few days and have'nt responded to you but Iloveanime721 caused me such a severe Breakdown this week,I wasn;t able to enjoy posting any new work on here (Except on Deviantart),it's already bad enough that I have enough shit already i'm dealing with in my real life but that son of a bitch creeper/stalker Iloveanime721 refuses to leave me the hell alone. *hugs you tightly*

    this is why I don't have alot of friends on the Internet anymore (Except for you and my other true friends) because you can't trust alot of people on social media sites these days which there are too many dangerous rude assholes and trolls these days.

    I can't even enjoy posting new Halloween wallpapers this year buddy because it angers me to hell that this Bitch ":dark-kunoichi92

    gets popular by posting these stupid repetitive unfunny memes and asskissing the popular faggots like Mrenter while people like me who work so hard on my Videos and Wallpapers just get tossed aside and treated like complete utter shit. to be honest buddy,I;m now at the point where I'm permently scarred for life which I don't think i'm gonna ever recover.

  • MrATAndreiThomas
    7 years ago
    Yeah at first I didn't expect AustinTheSuperb was going to make a video about me

    Right after I saw his other video what AustinTheSuperb did to our friend chronoarcaile2018, Austin was really pushing his own luck upon himself and he was that hypocritical enough to make a negative statement video towards me and my own actions I thought that is it, it's like he is looking for a fight when he should not not pick a fight with somebody he does not know off when all he does is sit his ass down online front of his computer trolling and judging other people when he needs to look himself in the mirror, but I had a suspicious feeling that was mainly a asshole to begin with.