Joined: 5 years ago
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Channel Views: 3,790
Video Views: 57
Nathan is a photographer, videographer, nature enthusiast, storm chaser, and musician. He has traveled and documented amazing nature scenes, weather occurrences, night sky/astronomical events, and more. Follow Nathan’s Exhilarating Journey for incredible weather videos, outdoor adventures, exploration, and more!
Country: United States
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Comments (261)
  • woojoke
    4 years ago
    Good to see you back around, Nathan:) Like seeing your avatar too;) My weekend was like all others, too short! Stay safe!!

  • Riffster
    4 years ago
    Good afternoon Nathan! Glad you got your computer fixed. Love the theme here today, as well as your current feature! Had a crazy week and weekend last week. They were replacing the copper pipes in our ceiling running the hot water lines, and one of them burst, causing us some flooding. Water was coming out of the light fixtures and ceiling fans, etc. The carpet got soaked, the sheet rock needs replacing, the over the stove microwave is broken, and lots more. Not fun, but gotta take it in stride. How is everything your way? Still working the same shift? I'll be back a bit later. Popping on and off here today.

  • michael_89
    4 years ago
    Hey Nathan, cheers for faving my vid mate...I get ya! This site has become a bit of a ghost town, but hopefully it`ll pick up. How are you? How`s the job? Are you still storm chasing? Man that takes some guts.

  • Riffster
    4 years ago
    What's up Nathan? How is everything?

  • TheVideoGamer64
    4 years ago
    Hello! :)

  • waywardsmile
    4 years ago
    Have you managed to fix your computer yet, or are you still in limbo? That stinks. Nowadays, it's hard to live without a computer...second only to living without a cell phone. Yes, a very challenging year for everyone. Over the weekend, a friend of mine lost his 19 year old daughter. She was simply out for a jog and got hit by a car. My heart breaks for them. My life would be over. Sending all my love your way as well. Hopefully things will get back on track soon.

  • Riffster
    4 years ago
    Bummer about your computer. I know things can become very overwhelming, especially when they all seem to hit us at once. Just stay calm, focus on your priorities, and it will all fall into place one way or another. I don't want to preach to you, but time and time again I have thought I couldn't take anymore, yet somehow found the strength to carry on. It's like this, plain and simple. If you're not dead, then you're not done! There is a purpose and a plan for you, even if you don't see it at the moment. Keep your head up my friend! I'm going to check out your upload now.

  • Riffster
    4 years ago
    Hope you get your computer fixed my friend. It is not fun having to rely on your phone for as your only source of internet. Have a safe and Happy Halloween!

  • waywardsmile
    4 years ago
    I was going to post my old RockCandy avi, but I have no idea how to do that...big surprise. So glad you have the weekend off. You can go Trick-or-Treating now! Yay! Have a great day!

  • Venus
    4 years ago
    Better days are coming. They're called Saturday and Sunday. the same for you dear friend Nathan..a great booboo halloween ..Image

  • woojoke
    4 years ago
    A Happy Halloween to U2 and you too Nathan! I see you're an early riser over there in Misso where the sun sets a hour later than here. I've been well and safe and almost sound;) Thanks for visiting:)

  • Riffster
    4 years ago
    Wow, that's a rough shift! I never liked those hours myself. I prefer starting early so I still have time to enjoy some of the evening/night hours. I used to have to get up around 4:30 a.m., commute 2 hours to be at work by 7:00 a.m., and then it was almost 3 hours in traffic home. Crammed a meal down, watched a few minutes of TV, and then right back at it again. I don't miss that type of grind at all. Hang in there my friend. You are doing great, and I can see you are dedicated. As far as Barbara, yes. She was really nice, and I know she had a lot going on. For her to just disappear that way, well, I just know it wasn't like her. I hope you can find her contact info someday. Good luck with the computer!