Rothschild Napoléon

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How to become very rich in 8:00 p.m. It was the best move achieved by the ROTHSCHILD family who had already developed, at that time, a perfect system of espionage and mail throughout Europe. On June 18, 1815, one of their agents arriving directly from the battlefield informed NATHAN ROTHSCHILD of the French defeat. Nathan rushed to the London Stock Exchange and made it appear by selling all his English Consul shares that England had lost the war. The rumor spread so quickly that most of the shareholders, pa...

How to become very rich in 8:00 p.m. It was the best move achieved by the ROTHSCHILD family who had already developed, at that time, a perfect system of espionage and mail throughout Europe. On June 18, 1815, one of their agents arriving directly from the battlefield informed NATHAN ROTHSCHILD of the French defeat. Nathan rushed to the London Stock Exchange and made it appear by selling all his English Consul shares that England had lost the war. The rumor spread so quickly that most of the shareholders, panicking at the thought of losing everything, sold their "English Consul" shares in turn. After a few hours, the value of the shares had fallen to 5 cents, so Nathan bought them back for next to nothing.
Rothschild Napoléon

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Published on Sep 12, 2023

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