Let's Play Tales of Arise (Blind) #17 - Ganabelt's Defeat & Cyslodia's Liberation!

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Time to defeat the second of the Renan lords! Ganabelt is the light lord, and as such employs a lot of electrical attacks, including one particularly famous spell... Oh, the moment when you realize he's casting THAT!

After a hard fought battle, Ganabelt falls, and Cyslodia is liberated at last... We return to the city, and check out how things are!

Time to defeat the second of the Renan lords! Ganabelt is the light lord, and as such employs a lot of electrical attacks, including one particularly famous spell... Oh, the moment when you realize he's casting THAT!

After a hard fought battle, Ganabelt falls, and Cyslodia is liberated at last... We return to the city, and check out how things are!

Published on Jun 4, 2022

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