Let's Play FAR: Changing Tides (Blind) #9 - One Journey Ends, A New One Beckons! ~The End~

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Venturing to, and eventually beyond the waterfalls, our journey comes to an end... but is it truly the end, or is it a new beginning? Perhaps one day, we will find out. For now, this concludes not only FAR: Changing Tides, but the FAR series! I hope you all enjoyed watching. These were some very enjoyable games!

Venturing to, and eventually beyond the waterfalls, our journey comes to an end... but is it truly the end, or is it a new beginning? Perhaps one day, we will find out. For now, this concludes not only FAR: Changing Tides, but the FAR series! I hope you all enjoyed watching. These were some very enjoyable games!

Published on Mar 22, 2022

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