Labyrinth Of Feelings

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The life of a human being is full of multiple emotions and feelings, complex and often difficult to control ... yet they are the ones who help us to express the relationships we have with others, or facing events ... knowing how to manage them is not easy, but without them we would not really be human ... Great day to all ♥

La vie d un être humain est pétrie d'émotions et de sentiments multiples, complexes et souvent difficiles à maîtriser ... pourtant ceux son...

The life of a human being is full of multiple emotions and feelings, complex and often difficult to control ... yet they are the ones who help us to express the relationships we have with others, or facing events ... knowing how to manage them is not easy, but without them we would not really be human ... Great day to all ♥

La vie d un être humain est pétrie d'émotions et de sentiments multiples, complexes et souvent difficiles à maîtriser ... pourtant ceux sont eux qui nous aident à exprimer les relations que nous avons avec les autres, ou face aux événements ... savoir les gérer n'est pas chose facile, mais sans eux nous ne serions pas vraiment humains ... Belle journée à tous ♥

Music by Roger Subirana Mata

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Published on Sep 22, 2021

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