10 Closed & Demolished Wood Roller Coasters! On Ride POV! USA - Japan - Europe

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Here are 10 defunct, closed and completely demolished wooden roller coasters! While not necessarily a "top ten" list, these are some of the more famous closed wooden over the past couple of decades:

1. Son of Beast - Kings Island
2. Big Dipper - Geauga Lake
3. Psyclone - Six Flags Magic Mountain
4. Ozark Wildcat - Celebration City
5. White Canyon - Yomiuriland
6. Starliner - Cypress Gardens
7. Hurricane - Cypress Gardens Boomers
8. Wild Mouse - Blackpool Pleasure Beach
9. Pegasus - Efteli...

Here are 10 defunct, closed and completely demolished wooden roller coasters! While not necessarily a "top ten" list, these are some of the more famous closed wooden over the past couple of decades:

1. Son of Beast - Kings Island
2. Big Dipper - Geauga Lake
3. Psyclone - Six Flags Magic Mountain
4. Ozark Wildcat - Celebration City
5. White Canyon - Yomiuriland
6. Starliner - Cypress Gardens
7. Hurricane - Cypress Gardens Boomers
8. Wild Mouse - Blackpool Pleasure Beach
9. Pegasus - Efteling
10. Aska - Nara Dreamland


Filmed by Robb Alvey - http://www.themeparkreview.com

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Published on Sep 16, 2018

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