My Rant GUN LAWS, Blame games, Drugs, Sickness in America

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We have a real problem here in America with mental health. You can outlaw guns the same as illicit drugs like heroine, cocaine, and methamphetamine which are huge problems costing the taxpayers billions of dollars each year. But it wont stop the use. Only a shift in our consciousness will. There is no one to blame but ourselves, each and every one of us who fosters a sick society.

We have a real problem here in America with mental health. You can outlaw guns the same as illicit drugs like heroine, cocaine, and methamphetamine which are huge problems costing the taxpayers billions of dollars each year. But it wont stop the use. Only a shift in our consciousness will. There is no one to blame but ourselves, each and every one of us who fosters a sick society.

Published on Feb 25, 2018

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