Winter's Channel
Joined: 3 years ago
Subscribers: 14
Channel Views: 858
Video Views: 110
Life is short ♥♥ break the rules ♥♥ forgive quickly ♥♥ kiss slowly ♥♥ love truly ♥♥ laugh uncontrollably
♥♥ and never regret anything that made you smile ♥♥
A friend is like a flower,
a rose to be exact.
Or maybe like a brand new gate
that never comes unlatched.
A friend is like an owl,
both beautiful and wise.
Perhaps a friend is like a ghost,
whose spirit never dies.
A friend is like a heart that goes strong until the end.
Where would we be in this world
if we didn,t have a friend.!!!!
The past is what we always tend to look back on,
but remember the future is what we look to, to move forward.
All are welcome ◕‿◕
Wish all visitors & Friends a happy time ... ◕‿◕
Country: Denmark