45-Year-Old Cresta Pineapple Drink | Ashens

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Way, way back there was an animated polar bear in sunglasses who really enjoyed weirdly thick soft drinks. His beloved syrupy Cresta came in several flavours, pineapple being one of the most popular. Let us join together and crack open a 45-year-old bottle in memory of Cresta the Bear, and see if dangerously expired drinks taste as awful as we assume.

...It's frothy, man.

Way, way back there was an animated polar bear in sunglasses who really enjoyed weirdly thick soft drinks. His beloved syrupy Cresta came in several flavours, pineapple being one of the most popular. Let us join together and crack open a 45-year-old bottle in memory of Cresta the Bear, and see if dangerously expired drinks taste as awful as we assume.

...It's frothy, man.

Published on Jun 30, 2019

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