Simply the best~
Joined: 2 years ago
Subscribers: 6
Channel Views: 129
Video Views: 0
Why hello there =^_^=

Welcome to my channel of purity, serenity, sincerity, entertainment and love. Enjoy your stay.

Most of you may be wondering who I am and why I sent you a Friend Request xD. Well I'll start by introducing myself. To those who recognize me, knew and know me as "The Awesome Professional Gamer ItachiUchiha090987" or "2 Pro Prince PWN1N". To those of you that don't, I used to be registered under those usernames. ItachiUchiha090987 being my main and PWN1N being the account I used to display Super Smash Brothers videos. I eventually became too popular and Youtube suspended my accounts due to the jealousy and fallacious reports sent in to the Youtube Team by haters without reason. Only because of the sole fact that they couldn't stand to see me succeed. To make a long story short, I befriended you hoping you would be kind enough to aid me in my Redemption by Adding me as a Friend and Subscribing. For more information concerning my suspension, Private Message me. Once I sue Youtube for my accounts and all of it's contents back and win, I will notify all of my added friends and subscribers, have them add and subscribe to this account (If you couldn't tell by now, I want to make this my main channel xD) so I can delete the two that were illegally taken from me MYSELF.

I had over 2 million video views, 1,000 friends, over 200,000 channel views, and over 30,000 comments all in less than a year from strictly gaming, piano videos, AMV making and being a combo exhibitionist. I had 2,000+ subscribers and was very close to becoming a Partner. So of course with all that fame and reputation, came people who couldn't stand to see me happy each and every day. My Inbox was packed with about 300 hateful private messages each week. Everyone was extremely upset since all of my comments were removed from the site. The saddest thing about all of this is that I did nothing wrong. Then a group of trolls banned together, sent in false reports, and got me suspended. The leader then wrote on her channel "Got that fucking tard suspended hahaha! I lied to Youtube". Then she got suspended and just made a new account. Immaturity.

I have a right to sue Youtube and I will if they don't revise this because they flagged EACH and every one of my videos with Terms of Service violation when I had videos of songs I wrote on the Piano removed as well as CLEAN commentaries so that proves a computer did it. My mom is a lawyer so I can make it happen if they don't listen to me. Once in a life time video occurrences were deleted and all of my hard worked and unsaved combo videos were removed.. because the community is corrupt. Youtube only cares about their famous users who PAY them. Any lowlife liar, can sit at a computer all day,send in false reports and Youtube will just ban a Mockingbird for the sake of money. They didn't even investigate. Google is one of my mother's clients so I have this lawsuit in the bag if I have to resort to suing.

About Me:

*Clears throat*

Please call me either Itachi, C-Hawk, (PWN1N if we play Smash together) or Calvin.

~(Information will be added here and the information above will be deleted when I reach 1000 subscribers or get my other accounts and all of their contents back)~

Most of you already know and remember me anyway =^_^= but for those who didn't and don't know me and want to know more, just ask! =)

If you're visiting, don't forget to drop a comment!

All help, subscriptions, and adds are greatly appreciated!
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Comments (5)
  • Jenni
    2 years ago
    Why thank you calvin is it? so how are you?

  • CubanRose
    2 years ago
    Hi calvin i subbed.

  • Carmen
    2 years ago
    Now that comment earned you a kiss...muah

  • TheDevilYouSay
    2 years ago
    Hello old chum, it's been awhile hasn't it?

  • RosaMarie
    2 years ago
    Calvin! whoa it's been such a long time since i've seen you, i know you are or maybe on steam.