The Evil Within: The Consequence (Blind) #7 - Kidman's Escape! ~The End~

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Time to bring an end to this, and get out of STEM once again! And so ends The Consequence. Well, those two DLCs were pretty good, I think. Actually liked Kidman's final boss more than I did Seb's.

Up next, the Executioner DLC. I'm not sure if it has anything to do with the main plot, but it should offer quite a different experience from these first 2 and the main game...

Time to bring an end to this, and get out of STEM once again! And so ends The Consequence. Well, those two DLCs were pretty good, I think. Actually liked Kidman's final boss more than I did Seb's.

Up next, the Executioner DLC. I'm not sure if it has anything to do with the main plot, but it should offer quite a different experience from these first 2 and the main game...

Published on Jan 6, 2019

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