What if Cure Star and Cure Milky were in Phantasy Star 4? (Random Parody)

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Since the upcoming New 2019 Precure Season "Star Twinkle Pretty Cure" Will have a Space theme and Astronomy theme Motif,The first thing that instantly came to my mind when I was talking about this season was Sega's Phatasy Star series,since that series of classic 16-bit JRPGS were also Space Themed (Compared to Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest's more Traditional Midevil themes) which gave me an idea for this parody.lol.

Image if Cure Milky (Th...


Since the upcoming New 2019 Precure Season "Star Twinkle Pretty Cure" Will have a Space theme and Astronomy theme Motif,The first thing that instantly came to my mind when I was talking about this season was Sega's Phatasy Star series,since that series of classic 16-bit JRPGS were also Space Themed (Compared to Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest's more Traditional Midevil themes) which gave me an idea for this parody.lol.

Image if Cure Milky (The Blue Cure) and Cure Star (Cure Star) were Playable characters for a Rom Hack version of Phantasy Star 4,and Since Cure Milky is an alien,the first thing that came into my mind when I saw her were the Numan race (because of the pointy cat-like ears.lol). ,the most well known numans being Nei (from Phantasy Star 2) and Rika (From Phantasy Star 4: End of the Millinium)

Phantasy Star 4 was without a doubt one of The Best RPGs on the Sega Genesis without a doubt,but I always had one minor complaint about the game, because what inspired me for this idea of mine is because I always hated the fact on how they Killed off Alys Brangwin way too early in the game,in which that worthless Chaz took over as main character throughout the rest of the game.

Now we all known that it's common that at some point in a game,alot of good Characters get killed off sooner or later (especially in JRPGs,the most notible example is Aeris from Final Fantasy 7). Now I have no problems with that in general,just as long as it helps build up the story,but good god,in phantasy star 4 however,Alys did not derserve that unfortionate fate she got halfway early in the game,it's like the writters at Sega didn't know what else to do with her character,so they were just like "OH FUCK IT" lets just have Zio kill her off anyway and make Chaz the main character throughout the rest of the game.

uhhhh,I hate it when JRPGS do that killing off good female characters like that. but I digress.lol

Thats why I want to fix this with my version,because in my Version,Neither Cure Star or Cure Twinkle won't get killed Off and will prevent Alys's Death!

anyways enjoy=P

Phantasy Star IV: End of the Millinium (Sega Genesis) Original Soundtrack - Battle theme

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Published on Jan 5, 2019

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