NightFright short Fun Video Doing A Cow Noise

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Horror Nation I am Your Host NightFright Just Doing A Fun Short Video Making Animal Noises LOL. We did a Howl Noise To get a Chain Going Thanks To Chris who has the channel LawBorn2 and we had a lot of Fun doing that and getting others to join and I was Bored Can you do a Cow Noise LOL if so send me a link and please leave some feed back if it was good or not LOL Thanks for Watching and like I say to all my Viewers " Stay Mooing ." LOL.

Horror Nation I am Your Host NightFright Just Doing A Fun Short Video Making Animal Noises LOL. We did a Howl Noise To get a Chain Going Thanks To Chris who has the channel LawBorn2 and we had a lot of Fun doing that and getting others to join and I was Bored Can you do a Cow Noise LOL if so send me a link and please leave some feed back if it was good or not LOL Thanks for Watching and like I say to all my Viewers " Stay Mooing ." LOL.

Published on Aug 13, 2017

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