woojoke's Channel
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co0ol, free spirited, silly sometime rhyme spewer(it's habitual and unusual unintentional....maybe), ex ax thrower, gold digger, board-less surfer dude, and even tempered moon howler;)
Country: United States
Comments (2606)
  • TheVideoGamer64
    3 years ago
    Hey how are you?

  • michael_89
    3 years ago
    Sir B. No the Disney sequels are dreadful! A "mary sue" lead, dull villains and bland characters plus they killed off both Han Solo and Luke Skywalker! That was heresy! I`m sure Robyn and her beau have enjoyed not going to archery, I know I have :) Have a great Sunday sir B.

  • waywardsmile
    3 years ago
    Congratulations! No more needs to be said. ~ Oh, and is Michael saying disparaging stuff about Disney World?! PFffft! If he ever went, he'd probably try to rent a room in the castle to live there forever. He'd be wearing ears for the rest of his life.

  • michael_89
    3 years ago
    A happy day of the sun sir B. The only other scifi show I watch is the Mandalorian and I can`t binge-watch that :( However I did watch ep 1 of season 2. It`s lovely watching "real" star wars instead of that Disney crap! The "house of mouse" is a house of shit! RANT OVER! No archery because of lockdown, so I`ll probably watch netflix lol.....Have a good one sir B.

  • michael_89
    4 years ago
    Sir B. Thank you for the pone and hardtack info :) Also thank you for the "heads up" or ass down regarding the pillow. As for netflix and stuff, I`ve already binge-watched the scifi show "Raised by wolves" It took nearly all day, but I got there! Oh what a life :) Wishing you a most splendid Friday.

  • michael_89
    4 years ago
    Sir B. I have no idea what "pone" or "hardtack" is, but they sound filthy :) However cornbread does sound yummy! Well we`re on a second national lockdown now, starting today. I`m on furlough again. So 4 weeks of netflix and sitting on my ass! It`ll be difficult, but I`ll try and cope :) Have a splendid evening sir B.

  • michael_89
    4 years ago
    Good morning sir B. Is there much meat on a turkey neck? Do you eat corn bread? I still don`t understand quite what it is, and it`s been explained to me by Americans a few times lol...Have a splendid day of Thor.

  • michael_89
    4 years ago
    Greetings and salutations sir B. :) My x wasn`t like her mum on the outside ( thank the maker ) however on the inside uuuuum a little.Let`s say I dodged a bullet or something. Sorry to hear your Halloween was craptacular, still thanksgiving is only a few weeks away, maybe that will be more enjoyable? Have a good one sir B.

  • michael_89
    4 years ago
    This is the mother of my last girlfriend, lovely woman.Image

  • michael_89
    4 years ago
    Sir Blaineforth, how was your Halloween? Mine was dull and not spooky in any way :( I was looking forward to trick or treating, I know I`m a little old to be doing that, but I just pretend to be a really tall kid with a glandular problem. Have a splendid day, the weekend is kind of nearly here.

    4 years ago
    ... i'm sitting here in old berlin ( 6h later ) - and follow you ;) - the VOTE !! - it's crazy ^^ - but i hope the WORLD comes back to the LOVE, and not to the WAR & MONEY ;) - PEACE ☮ - BALOO ;) ❤️

    4 years ago
    KOJAK tell me, you have a new MUSIK ? ;) ^^ - i love your feeling ❤ ☮ - but what can i tell you ? - NIX ! ^^ - all what we need is corona and the shitty x-mas time ;) - but what is the NEXT ? /// - i'm waiting of the 3. november and TRUMP ;) - and after them, the next CHAOS ! - we need a atom-bomb ^^ - ( or, more fun ) - hmm ► https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eIXmFL9ckGE