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Dear brothers and sisters! See it as a special reason to rejoice when your faith is repeatedly tested.
Country: United States
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Comments (322)
  • Enyarwen2021
    2 years ago
    Avalon, the Isle of Apples, like the forgotten paradise, to revitalize, to find roots stronger than ever ... Avalon the magical Earth surrounded by water and mist ... protected from hostile worlds ... Avalon the healer of body and soul ... Happy weekend my friends ♥ Avalon, l Ile aux Pommes, tel le paradis oublié, pour se ressourcer, retrouver des racines plus fortes que jamais ... Avalon la Terre magique entourée d'eau et de brume ... protégée des mondes hostiles ... Avalon la guérisseuse du corps et de l'âme ... Beau week end mes amis ♥ Avalaon, la renaissance ♥ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IQH0U1WbhpU&ab_channel=EnyArwen

  • Enyarwen2021
    2 years ago
    A same month and temperatures that vary, depending on the places, the caprices of nature, and we live differently, in landscapes with multiple facets ... Such is the beauty of the world ... Have a good day, in the middle of the week ... ♥ Un même mois et des températures qui varient, selon les lieux, les caprices de la nature, et nous vivons différemment, dans des paysages aux multiples facettes ... Telle est la beauté du monde ... Bonne journée, en ce milieu de semaine ... ♥ Music : Wind of The Peaks, by Athanor Winf Of The Peaks ⛰️ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MbaBaWrorUY&ab_channel=EnyArwen

  • Enyarwen2021
    2 years ago
    How heavy this month is the burden to bear To leave with regret the clamors of the feast And, while the old one finally retreats To offer the world the hope of this new-born year. We sometimes keep for a long time, in secret nooks and crannies The wilted needles of a coloured fir The smell of the resin, and then… everything disappears As if to let Janvier at the end win. The Sunday of the Kings still holds the time, Gathering the heat around the golden slices From a blonde galette with a hidden bean Choosing in turn King and Queen of an Instant… Outside nothing has moved, the season is in full swing Today rain and wind, and snow may be tomorrow Only the camellias stand in the frozen garden Opening their pink buttons in cheerful notes… It’s a transit time, between night and light Beings and things wait in silence, Meditation time over the past year Carrying deep into it today’s seed ... Janvier ... Le Miroir Intérieur ... © Chantal Duros aka Eny After ... ♥ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RyacfAg1-hQ&ab_channel=EnyArwen

  • Enyarwen2021
    2 years ago
    We will put an end to 2021, with a thought for those who have gone to a place of peace ... I wish you all a more positive, happy New Year, a stronger confidence in you first, in life, and an ever greater capacity to share friendship, love, empathy ... Joy grows, like a plant that heals ... With all my friendship, Happy New Year 2022 ♥ Nous allons mettre un point final à 2021, avec une pensée pour ceux qui sont partis rejoindre un lieu de paix ... Je vous souhaite à tous une nouvelle année plus positive, plus heureuse, une plus forte confiance en vous tout d'abord, en la vie, et une capacité toujours plus grande à partager l'amitié, l'amour, l'empathie ... La joie se cultive, comme une plante qui soigne ... Avec toute mon amitié, belle année 2022 ♥ Music by Roger Subirana Mata Happy New Year 2022 Peace and Light 💜💜 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Uyd00c53Jk&ab_channel=EnyArwen

  • Sumisu
    2 years ago
    I heard 1 in 8 people in Deutschland are descendants of the post ww2 ethnic Germans from eastern europe.it's verified by multiple folks.I take it they are in the urban areas

  • Venus
    2 years ago
    ho ho ho dera friend Udo--The gift of Love, the gift of Peace, the gift of Happiness, may all these be yours at this Christmas. Happy and Merry Christmas.sweet greets Riny.Image

  • Enyarwen2021
    2 years ago
    Merry Christmas to all, with family or friends ... affectionate thoughts to those who are alone ... May this day bring joy, peace and hope to each one of us ... Love and Light ♥♥ Joyeux Noël à tous, en famille ou entre amis ... des pensées affectueuses à ceux qui sont seuls ... Que ce jour soit porteur de joie, de paix et d espoir pour chacun d'entre nous ... Amour et Lumière ♥♥ Music by Twin Musicom Joyeux Noël *** Merry Christmas To The World ♥ 🎄 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jK1ezxfZ5e8&ab_channel=EnyArwen

  • michael_89
    2 years ago
    Thank you for the sub and friendvite. Merry Christmas.

  • Enyarwen2021
    2 years ago
    Very beautiful Winter Solstice, where the days will gradually lengthen, the long-awaited light comes towards us ... May she bring joy, peace and hope for a better time to all ... Yule Blessings and graces upon you, dear friends ♥♥ Très beau Solstice d'Hiver, où les jours vont peu à peu rallonger, la lumière tant attendue arrive vers nous ... Qu'elle apporte à tous la joie, la paix, l'espoir de temps meilleurs ... Bienfaits et grâces de Yule sur vous chers amis ♥♥ Winter Solstice 2021 * Yule Celebration )O( ♥❄️ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7FFbdqx4sTI&ab_channel=EnyArwen

  • Enyarwen2021
    2 years ago
    Last Full Moon of 2021 ... Reflections on the past year, on the events experienced, with joys and sorrows, doubts and hopes ... Happy weekend to all, dear friends *** ♥ Dernière Pleine Lune de 2021 ... Réflexions sur l'an écoulé, sur les événements vécus, avec les joies et les chagrins, les doutes et les espoirs ... Très beau week end à tous , chers amis *** ♥ Music by Athanor Full Moon December 2021 🌕♥ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jD0_iKrPSMg&ab_channel=EnyArwen

  • Enyarwen2021
    2 years ago
    Among the works of Charles Dickens, the story of Ebenezer Scrooge meeting the ghosts of past, present and future Christmas is certainly the one that is the perfect illustration of what the Christmas Spirit must be ... sharing, affection, love, joy .. The author published his book on 19 December 1843, and ever since it has been read, seen in film ... the lesson of this tale is above all a lesson of humanity ... Beautiful day ♥ Parmi les oeuvres de Charles Dickens, l'histoire d'Ebenezer Scrooge rencontrant les fantômes des Noël passé, présent et futur, est certainement celle qui est la parfaite illustration de ce que doit être l'Esprit de Noël ... le partage, l'affection, l'amour, la joie ..L auteur a publié son livre le 19 Décembre 1843, et depuis on ne cesse de le lire, de le voir en film ...la leçon de ce conte est avant tout une leçon d'humanité ... Belle journée ♥ Christmas Tale ** Ebenezer Scrooge 🧑‍🎄 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GCMsd-HpJ7M&ab_channel=EnyArwen

  • Enyarwen2021
    2 years ago
    Today, Saint Lucia, Feast of the Light ... this year, I change the way to present it to you, and here we are in the midst of nature, in search of that magical light, and especially that which shines from within, and which we can transmit, like a torch, to those we approach ... ♥ Aujourd'hui, Ste Lucie, fête de la Lumière ... cette année, je change de manière pour vous la présenter, et nous voici en pleine nature, à la recherche de cette lumière magique, et surtout celle qui brille de l'intérieur, et que nous pouvons transmettre, tel un flambeau, à ceux que nous approchons ... ♥ Music by Roger Subirana Mata Magic Of Light * Fête de la Lumière 🕯️🕯️https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EBVhDBtJDcw&ab_channel=EnyArwen