Professional Azz Kicker...On call 24/7
Joined: 7 years ago
Subscribers: 56
Channel Views: 22,626
Video Views: 14,810
The ladies, Sci Fi, Hard rock, Survival Horror video games such as Resident Evil, Silent Hill, Alone in the Dark etc. Rachel Stevens, Comedians Jack Dee and Dylan Moran, Chicken Vindaloo, Ravioli, Japanese technology, Gothic architecture, Futurists and Free Thinkers.

A good flame war, Silently farting in crowded elevators, Columbian coffee, Gourmet Hot Dogs (not that filth you get from street vendors in New York City), HBO tv shows, Giving you my opinion whether you want it or not, Push up bras and Vanilla Coke (cant get it in Ireland anymore :( what the heck is up with that?)

Country: Ireland
Widget #1
Comments (1503)
  • waywardsmile
    2 years ago
    Awww.....โค U 2 :))

  • Dilhorne
    3 years ago
    Mark, Yes I don't know what David thinks but it seems a lot to be banned 15 times but there must be a reason, have you insulted him or something ? I know there was a time more than a year ago when someone asked David a question that didn't go down well with him. The result was a diaspora to many other sites one being this one. I didn't get involved as I only used the site to communicate with others and didn't join in the politics and ethics of the site. I don't have any issues with David but it seems plenty do. Anyway this site doesn't seem to be controversial but a little slow and no one communicates with anyone much. Anyway as long as we (meaning everyone) can communicate that's the main thing.

  • LoveOfEarth
    3 years ago
    Hi Mark, good hearing from you mate on a Friday evening. Wow I’m sorry to hear that you got banned on David’s site, I’ve never seen you say anything that would warrant that. That’s great that kids there are getting in the spirit of Halloween, just read an article about the origins of Halloween in Ireland :)

  • Dilhorne
    3 years ago
    Mark, Have you been banned from Chill now ? I went to reply to your last message but pfffpff, you'd gone again.

  • LoveOfEarth
    3 years ago
    Hi Mark! It's been a long while since I've been here on MJ โ˜บ I hope all is going well for you. I looked for you today over on Chill and can't find you, I hope you haven't given up on there. I found a video today about the old Baird TV and enjoyed it, amazingly a collector has one which works great, even can display a modern TV show. Tim

  • NightFright
    3 years ago
    Hello Mark hey why don't Jacob show his face like Alex does and gives updates?!?! We are going to be around here for along time. You should make a Halloween video for the contest lol I won 2 times and got $10.00 for Amazon.

  • NightFright
    3 years ago
    Hello Mark I can sure see how many people wished me dead lmao and you know that will never happen only on Jacob website and David website lmao that will happen maybe I will show up and say hello ๐Ÿ‘‹๐Ÿพ lmao.

  • Brody
    3 years ago
    Doing not too bad Mark. Tomorrow we are opening up. the 1,5 m distance gone. Full soccer stadiums, no mouth mask, that sorta thing. Future's so bright I gotta wear shades. How bout you, how are you doing?

  • NightFright
    3 years ago
    ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ‘hey Mark I hope things are going good for you. Football season started I've been going to the home games in Lincoln the husker have to play Oklahoma this weekend. Do you have a NFL team that you like ?

  • alexthegreat
    3 years ago
    Let's get drunk together, and give Beth something to talk about

  • NightFright
    3 years ago
    ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ‘right on !!!

  • NightFright
    3 years ago
    on johnny4times channel lisagore 4 hours ago Are you Christian, Mark ?