King for a day,fool for a lifetime
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Comments (1433)
  • waywardsmile
    5 months ago
    Whatever! I'm the funniest woman you know, in a good, comedic type of way. ~ I don't "ignore" you till you answer, I simply don't acknowledge you in a purposeful, pouty way until you reply, so you're very lucky right now, but it's because you're having moments of sweetness behind the scenes, and I'm a sucker for "sweet", BUT don't get used to it! Honestly, I don't really like turkey either. Guess what I ate? Do you remember my favorite? ~ I should have called. You wouldn't have picked up at first, but then if I kept calling you would have thought something was wrong, and you would have pulled over and picked up. Lol, I do know you well. XOX:))

    5 months ago
    ... wir wissen doch beide warum du dich so aufführst ! - hab viel spass bei dem, was du in zukunft so machen wirst, - BYE ! ;)

  • Dee
    5 months ago
    Happy Thanksgiving dear Alex. May the blessings of this thanksgiving fill your heart and home. Image

  • Venus
    5 months ago
    Nou moet het niet mooier worden,ik was de laatste die jou een pm stuurde . En de laatste comment op jou site was ook van mij ,nu kwam je weer langs en daar heb ik ook op geantwoord,deze heb je ook verwijdert. Er waren personen die jou vertellen ,dat ik op die andere site ben? Ik wil geen mot ,maar dit wil ik wel even recht zetten . Ik plaats het in Duits ,omdat Baloo het ook mag lezen.Kijk maar in PM wat ik jou stuurde vorig jaar , ik werd door jou beschuldigt van iets wat Never Nooit door mij is gezegt ..ook voor jou een fijne week .

  • woojoke
    5 months ago
    Hi Alex, my Bro! Yep, Thanksgiving is just two days away and then is when i'll de-meat a turkey leg and swallow some cornbread dressing and gulp down a wee piece of pumpkin pie then sigh and think why can't everyday be this way! Stay cool or warm, Bro:)

  • waywardsmile
    5 months ago
    You should be on your way home from work right now. Should I call you and have you pull over to talk to me? You'd ignore the ring, wouldn't you? Lol...yes, you would. It's our Thanksgiving here on Thursday, so get some turkey and have it for dinner. OR, you can just get frozen pizzas and put 50 GIGANTIC green olives all over it. CUT THEM IN HALF, Man! XOX :))

    5 months ago
    ... sei nicht immer so giftig, ich war nur höflich ;) - pfff.... !!

  • Dee
    5 months ago
    Hello dear Alex. Just stopping by to wish you Happy Tuesday! Stay well.(^‿⋆))Image

  • waywardsmile
    5 months ago
    You're going to have to explain this one...."Why did theBrood win from Waywardsmile with noughts and crosses? Before her O was put on the paper, he went XXX" . Is this dad-humor? Alex-humor? Crane-humor? I suppose there's also the possibility that I'm missing something though. That sometimes happens with jokes. By the time people are finished explaining them to me, they say all the 'funny' was taken out of it. It's not 'me' though. It's them. :))XOX

  • Venus
    5 months ago
    Hallo Alex, eine Frage; Warum hast du mich von deiner Freundesliste gestrichen? Wie ich sehe, bist du nicht mehr in meiner Freundesliste. -Wie ist das möglich? Ich habe dich nicht rausgeholt. Was habe ich dir getan? Und dann gehst du nach Baloo.. Es geht um Baloo und mich, oder? Dann kann Balu das auch lesen. !!!!

  • waywardsmile
    6 months ago
    Awww, thank you...we did have a wonderful AND lovely day, and it's extending through today. Going out to lunch later with J's family. His stepmom's bday is tomorrow, so we're combining ours with Hope you followed that. Hopefully I explained the FSU thing to where you could understand it....again. :- / ~ Awww, I'm so glad our sweet girl has the Teddy on her bed. Believe it or not...Adam has his childhood teddy on his bed as well. His name is Bob, and when Adam can't find Bob, a search ensues. ~ Lol, your dad jokes prove you're a dad, though Michael has dad jokes too. ~ Yes, your sweet baby girl was cute, even as a bloodsucking vampire witch, but there's no way she wouldn't be. It's in the blood. (OMGosh, that was a vampire dad joke!) BTW, we have Voortmans too, darling. I'll send you a pic in a minute. :))XOXX

    6 months ago
    ... hallo BRODY, wo warst du denn soooo-lange ? - hast du dir eine neue FRAU gesucht und warst du in paris ? - jetzt lässt die liebe nach und du erinnerst dich an deine alte freunde hier, stimms ? - na dann mal -------> "WELCOME BACK" ! > Image