King for a day,fool for a lifetime
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Comments (1433)
  • Dee
    4 months ago
    Hello Alex. Thanks for stopping by. I wish you a Merry Monday and a holly jolly week!Image

  • woojoke
    4 months ago
    Female tits are fun when in pairs:) A hind tit refers to four-legged animals that in most cases have eight teats and the runt has to suckle on the last one/s that are mostly empty of nurturing milk that the runt's sibs drained from the other six...........i think that's mostly right!?! I'm almost positive that the kid in Taylor Swift's Christmas song was her!

  • woojoke
    4 months ago
    Hey Alex, my fav Bro! Tequila Sunrise is good so Genny is correct and if it made you doze then you be froze in a time warp;) I left out The Eagles because i want to be an albatross and they both like to eat lots of fish so maybe i was a tad jealous;( You got to know by now that Genny is well versed in about everything so don't be surprised when she educates you;) I'm happy Feyenoord is doing better and will be even more glad when the Lady Vols do to!

  • waywardsmile
    4 months ago
    I don't care how you laugh so long as you laugh. It's like 'turning lemons into lemonade'....I'm still the amazing seed for your laughter. The sandbag story was NOT funny! You would have felt terrible for me if you had been there, and I'm still milking that moment. ~ Here's a "third" admission in 17ish years....I was wrong about the number of olives. I went back, allllll the way back to August when you posted the pic, and of course I counted the olives. There were 23, and I didn't miscount...there were 23, were wrong too. You were only off by 1, but it's still a "wrong" in my book. We were both wrong. :) ~ LOL, wish the Sinterklaas moment was videod. I would watch that over and over. You could probably even go viral on YT with that one. ~ You're right, it's all about the dressing....and gravy! YUM! :))XOX

  • SweetDeadlyKiss
    4 months ago
    Hi dear Alex, thanks for your visit. Sorry, dass ich nicht früher gekommen bin, but I´m only here very rarely... it´s too slow here. Mir geht es gut und ich hoffe, dir geht es auch gut. Es freut mich, dass du mich immer noch magst, hehe, ich mag dich auch immer noch (ˆ◡ˆ).. Have a HAPPY WEEKEND :))♥Image

  • Venus
    4 months ago
    Wat zit jij nu weer te blazen .ik was de laatste die een mail naar jou stuurde Jij was toen jarig ,en geen reaktie terug van jou gehad.Ik was als laatste die je pm gestuurd heeft hier op MJ .Om mij te verdedigen,over iets wat ik nooit gezegt heb .Ik ((ja ik )))was als laatste hier op jou comment pagina . Ik ((ja ik )) heb jou toen gevraagt ,waar ben je ,zit je nog op de eifel ? En ik weet niets van jou shit af,wat nog erger was dan dood gaan!!..Waar slaat dit op. jij zoekt ons op ,Baloo en mij ..Dan geef ik een reaktie terug ..Dan zet ik er nu een punt achter .tabé

  • michael_89
    5 months ago
    Hey Alex, I`m sorry for not telling you about my knee surgery, but to be honest I assumed G might have told you. I had to have surgey for an old soccer injury from my teens. It came back to haunt me with a vengeance! It`s been nearly 2 months and it still aches a lot and it`s restricted whatt I can do. Yes I need a walking stick, not all the time just when I get a bet tired and my knee aches. Worst part of it all is I`m getting pudgy from lack of exercize and all the eating I`m doing! Anyway I`m on the mend....just re-uploaded my feature, hopefully it can be seen this time!?

  • michael_89
    5 months ago
    Hey Alex, don`t worry about not being around/not replying quickly. I`m the king of that!! Let me also wish you happy sinterklaas! (Not that I had the slightest idea what that is?) :) Anyway, wishing you and yours a very merry christmas.

  • woojoke
    5 months ago
    Hey Alex my favorite Bro though no Eskimo;) Yep, i do rock ans so do you! Sorry Feyenoord is not doing as well as want too and the Lady Vols are sucking hind tit too mainly because their by far best player has een injured and not playing for six straight games;( I left out Eagle members on my Joe Walsh comment;( I hope you and your other loved ones are all warm, dry and happy!

  • waywardsmile
    5 months ago
    Happy Sinterklaas!!! X

  • Venus
    5 months ago
    Laten wij maar ophouden. Het is toch aldoor over en weer wie heeft er gelijk en wie niet. Mijn PM is hier en nergens anders. En laat Baloo met rust ... Jij hebt Baloo en mij uit je lijst geknikkert.. Amen.........////....Lass uns einfach aufhören. Es gibt ein ständiges Hin und Her darüber, wer Recht und wer Unrecht hat. Mein PM ist hier und nirgendwo anders. Und lass Baloo in Ruhe ... Du hast , Baloo und mich, von deiner Liste gestrichen ... Amen...

    5 months ago
    ... ach du heilige banane, du fühlst dich ja schon angegriffen, wenn man dir eine schöne zeit wünscht. - wer hier nicht einstecken kann von uns beiden, liegt doch wohl klar auf der hand ! - wann und wo hatte ich dich denn so beleidigt ? - ich hatte dir nur gesagt, dass wir beide wissen was los ist und dir viel glück gewünscht und dann fängst du an mich zu beleidigen, wer von uns beiden da wohl öl ins feuer giesst, ist doch offensichtlich. - ich kann übrigens sehr gut einstecken, weil es bei mir nicht darauf ankommt, was man sagt, sondern wer mir etwas sagt, und du willst doch nur einen streit vom zaun brechen, aber weil ich auf so eine ego-kacke von dir keine lust habe, bist du nun blockiert ! - ich hätte dir ja gerne eine schöne woche gewünscht, aber dann erschiesst du mich wohl noch ? ^^